Saturday night, coloring eggs. Sunday morning, finding eggs.....
Getting ready for a family dinner....
I had not used my china in years.
Beloved family....
My parents. At dinner I noticed my Father's hands. They are so familiar to me, but I saw them for the first time today. I have his fingers. I never knew that, but they are identical to mine..JPG)
Sweetheart...I love that guy!!
My TJ and me...
TJ is eating pie and loving the whipped cream!!!
Charlotte, waiting for her pie...
Zach after he had his pie....
AND after he lost a pie war with me!!! I have no idea what he is doing with the funnel.
My cousin, Lanny (he likes to announce he is younger than me!)
My friend Suzy-Q. We have been friends for 29 years. I fixed her up 2 years ago with my cousin and they have been together ever since. They have actually met at other functions, like my son's wedding but they do not remember meeting each other. Sue always spent Thanksgiving and Easter with us, but my cousin never did...until he started seeing Sue.
I missed pics of Bud and Rachel and also Kyle. Kyle was downstairs with his buddy who also joined us for Easter dinner. I have no idea how I missed getting a picture of Bud and Rachel. Rachel made a wonderful Broccoli Casserole. There was also Ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, dinner rolls, spinach dip and hawaiian bread (the rabbit bread was a no-go), fruit salad, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, cottage cheese, a veggie tray (made by Sue) and also the pies my mom brought...coconut cream and chocolate cream.
After everyone left we collapsed. I cuddled with TJ and a book. (That diet starts back full force TOMORROW!!!!)
The dishwasher is full and running, the china and crystal are all hand washed and air drying, along with the pots and pans. I will put it all away in the morning. This girl is wiped out!!!
I love the Easter holiday. Not just for what it represents to me (I say "TO ME" for those who feel it is a pagan holiday) which is the resurrection of my Lord, but because it was through the Holiday of Easter, that I accepted the gift this day represents. Easter, 1980, I found my Jesus. I pray you had a wonderful family-filled day too!

Glad you had such a sweet day. We did too. AND I told my dh I was not cleaning a thing all week. And to wear his socks twice. LOL Cause I might not even be doing laundry. I am so wiped out. But it is a good tired, not a sick tired.
What a wonderful day you had!!! I loved all the pictures of your family. Wow, TJ is getting SOOOO big!!!
But do tell....pie wars????? sounds like fun!
Looks like a wonderful time had by all! The pic of you and TJ at the table is really good! We had a good time too, back to normal today!
Bren, this post makes my heart swell. I hear ya on the diet ... me too! :)
Have you seen this video? I had it on my blog, it makes me cry everytime because it's so beautiful!
Prayers and blessings to you, your family, and friends!
Hey Bren
Glad you had a nice Easter! Yes, i do think I have spring fever, and after that post, it snowed here again! Saturday morning looked like a blizzard! I hope it starts to get nice soon!!! And STAY that way!
Wonderful pictures and it looks like you have a fantastic family day.
Love your photos .... now I forgot to take a photo of before we ate. LOL
It sounds like you had a lovely day!
Happy Easter! It looks like a great time was had by all! Please, tell us more about that pie war!
I enjoyed the photos and recap of your day.
Mama Bear
Hay Lady, Wow that last video was one to give great pause. I loved the Pardon singing Francisco I have never heard anyone else sing his songs. He gave us permission to use his song in the "life restored" blog.
Looks like you had a great time.
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