Today's tackle has some pretty disgusting pictures, so proceed at your own risk. The second week of the month is the week when I am to deep clean my kitchen. Some of these jobs are seasonal and some are bi-annually. The one I tackled for today should be done twice a year, ideally when the weather is nice and it can be done outside. I could wait no longer for nice weather so I did the nasty job in the kitchen sink. I have open soffets above my kitchen cupboards. In my old house I loaded these with antique ball jars, cookie jars, a crock filled with antique kitchen utensils, etc. In this house I decided to keep it simple. I have 4 large fake plants in baskets positioned above the cupboards. The nasty job is to clean the plants (easily done with a garden hose and some sunshine) and to wash the cupboards. The plants and the cupboards were loaded with dust and the area above the stove also contained gummy grease. A nice spray of Holy Cow "pink" and the grease dissolved very easily...brace yourself for the before and after pics....

I have been concentrating on changing our school days here. I have been unhappy about our "school" for some time, and with the help of a wonderful friend, I can verbalize it like this...It is not home school, it is school at home. Not a fun thing...I want to home school. So I am revamping everything and it has taken some time and energy. While in that "mind set" I have recognized many opportunities with my children. One such opportunity happened this morning at breakfast when Charlotte and Zach were telling me about a new Happy Meal toy they received. Here is my conversation with Zachary, who I think could win a debate over just about anything.
Oh dear, out of the mouths of babes....what a giggle.....
Big clean in the kitchen! I must do the same.
*LOL* Children are the best.
Zack is right! *G* I love his reasoning! Great tackle it Tuesday project!
I love the discussion, and what a hoot! It's so hard not to giggle, especially when they are so serious. It's great to talk to your kids about God and "big" spiritual matters on their level.
Wow, you did some of that deep cleanin' stuff today...the kind that requires antihistamines around here! Your plants turned out so nicely! They look like new.
Great tackle! I should do the same here....
Love that Holy Cow!!! We are going to the States this summer and I plan to stock up :)
Your talk with the kids made me wish mine were little again. Precious moments.
I have never heard of Holy Cow. Where do you get it? I really need to do some cleaning too, how do you come up with your list of what to do and when? You seem to be very organized.
I think I have a few plants that looked like yours - dusty! Bet it feels good to have that done.
Great conversation with your sweet blessings. That is what it is all about - tying those heartstrings with our children!
Thanks again for your help.
Ok, that right there....that's funny!!! ROTFLOL
Zach is so right! Too funny!
Thanks for the Holy Cow tip. I haven't cleaned above my kitchen cabinets since they were installed a few years ago because I didn't know how to get rid of the gooey grease.
Your cleaning endeavor was a success! Great job!!! What an inspiration!
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