It is still not warm enough to open the windows, but things are looking more like spring. I just love Lily of the Valley. I have lots of it in my back flower bed. It seems to want to take over. I might just let it. (The picture is not Lily of the Valley have not even sprouted yet.)
I noticed my tree out front had some buds on it. I was surprised.
The snow is melting. It is in the high 40's and sunny.
We can see the bushes again.
Hubby actually moved all the snow off the front bushes this afternoon.
I was out front for a reason this morning. I was trying to decide what to do with my front porch. I do not want to put wicker furniture out there. I am afraid it would walk away in the night! I do want to dress it up though. Any suggestions?? Here is the porch to the left of the front door. I have a glider there now.
And to the right of the front door...there is empty space. Gives you that uneven feeling.
The front door could use some dressing up also. I think some potted flowers on either side. I want to get a screen door/storm door put on too. I want the one with the hidden screen. It would be nice to open the front door. This porch gets the morning sun and afternoon shade.
Not a very inviting entrance. Definitely needs some attention. It is close to time to give the porch a deep clean also. The siding and shutters are very dirty. A good power hosing does a great job. The inside of the window sills are awful and will be cleaned from the inside. The screens get a nice wash from the power hose too.
All the winter "gunk" has collected in the corners, waiting for the spring clean.
What do you do to dress up the entrance to your home?
Today was spent as a family. Kyle had tests scheduled today at the hospital, but they called and said they were short staffed in the EEG department, so we rescheduled for 2 weeks. Friday is Kyle's 22nd birthday so I decided since he had the day off work, we would do his birthday shopping. Sweet Hubby (he needs a new name...he does not like this one) and the little kids came with so we made a family affair of it. Kyle got some new shoes, and a pair of military pants. He will spend the remainder of his money on a John Cena backpack and cell phone holder. I picked up a Taste of Home magazine while we were out. The SPRING 2008 edition. It is so pretty!
I have Easter dinner here every year for my family and extended family and a few friends too! I always love to do something new. Spinach dip and Hawaiian bread are a big favorite here and everyone dips into it while dinner is cooking. I saw this while flipping through and really want to make it this year.
Is that wonderful!!!??? Ooooh, I wonder if it will be difficult?? I am going to try it once before Easter and see....I will let you know.
Well I am off to get a couple of daily things off my list. I am trying to talk Hubby into building me some book cases. He is fine with that and would like to build them, but he wants to do it right. He wants high quality wood and the proper place. I say the dining room, on either side of the pocket door...floor to ceiling (9ft.)bookcases. He is not sure because it is not a wall to wall area. We will continue to discuss it. I am so blessed to have a husband who can do these things!!
I wanted to share a great post with you also. Amy posted an interview with her 93 year old Grandmother. It was so interesting to read. You can find it here.
Lily of the Valley is my birth month and favorite flower. I could smell them all day. I still have several inches of snow and ice in my yard. I can't wait for Spring.
I LOVE spring ... it's so nice to get that fresh air again.
I wish I could help with your decorating dilema. Perhaps you could put some kind of Easter welcome on the door. I love flowers ... maybe a plant stand (for lack of a better word) and place various flowers/plants. Though, this might have to wait until it warms up, right?
Good luck ... I'll think about it more and see if I can help.
The Taste of Home looks yummy! I might have to pick up a copy as well!! :)
Hi, Bren! I am new to the blogging world and I wanted you to know that I enjoy reading your blog! I thinks some artificial flowers in pots would look great on the front porch. I usually change the flowers as the seasons change. The bread bunny looks awesome! I hope you try it, I would love to see some pictures! It was a balmy 80 degrees in Texas today, and a week ago we had 9 inches of snow! Crazy, huh?!
I love your front porch, a couple pots of colorful flowers (pansies or geraniums) and maybe a wreath on the door to add some extra color.
I'm so glad signs of Spring are around your home now. Have a hit of Redi-Whip while you wait for those buds on the tree to leaf out ;-)
First off, I can't get over the quality of your photo's now that you've removed little fingerprints from the sorry just couldn't resist that one, but your photo's are soooo clear, now..
Do you spend time on your front porch? I'd be putting nice big terracotta pots filled with bright blooms. Not much help I'm sorry.
I love standards by the door. I'd suggest two Standard bay trees, or roses (iceberg variety are great for this) or something like that. Not sure about furniture, maybe one of those gorgeous swings that hang from the roof and you can snuggle up in. I always wanted one of them when I watched american movies with them in it.
The bread looks sooo cute! I dress up my porch with potted flowers on either side of the front door and lots of hanging baskets. I have an old wooden glider out there and an old rocking chair, and an old white wicker chair. That's about it.
We have to wash the whole outside of our house this spring, it's long overdue. So nice to talk about spring, even if we have no sign of it yet here.
Have a good day!
Hi Bren! I am catching up with your blog today. :)(We were in NYC) I agree that flowers and perhaps a wreath would be so pretty. I do love your front porch!
Oh I can't wait for spring either! But it's going to take awhile for my 10 ft. snow piles to melt... LOL!
I'd love to hear more about things you will do to change your homeschool. I tend to be very "schoolish" too. We are doing lap books. I bought activity books for history but they were way more involved than I planned on!
Have a great day! Karen T.
Can't wait to see what you do on your porch . . . mine needs an update this year and I'm looking for inspirations *s*
I'm so looking forward to spring! We have a similar view out our windows...snow melting and brown ground underneath. I have the itch to do some spring cleaning!!
I love Taste of Home magazine...such great ideas and inspiring!
You have a beautiful home!
Have a great day!
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