It is time for me to start my Summer swap quilt. I am thinking about using these...What do you think?
I really enjoyed the celebration and look forward to another year of blogging. I wonder if I will have as much to say....of course I will!! I struggled the last few day of the celebration. I was not feeling well. My sinus problems crept up on me and I thought I would handle the situation the old fashioned way....
Don't you hate that??? Well the Kaboom did not clear my sinus, so I tried the bleach!
I have a clean shower, but no relief for my sinus.
The pain became so severe....unlike any I have known...that I was not even sure if it was a tooth or my sinus. My entire face, teeth, jaw, ear and neck throbbed for 4 days! I slept little and did nothing! Finally I got some antibiotics (I am not big on pills) and am feeling better. It was not a tooth, but a sinus infection. Yeesh! I am glad to be on the upswing from that!!! I got back on my walking routine and did 3 walks yesterday. I will get another 3 today...though my little TJ will not be here to tell me "Turn left, Grandma." and then declare "WE MADE IT!!" like we may not have!! My Granddaughter is growing daily. TJ calls her Emerson, so that may be the actual winner!! Still not sure as Mom and Dad are not in agreement yet. Back to the life plan...exercise and diet...not diet like weight watchers, but diet like "eating to live"...I had my morning shake of whey protein, and frozen blackberries.
There are some great fruits and veggies in the house. We planted our seeds yesterday...lettuce, carrots, onions, and green beans. We ran out of room for other desired veggies. We need to expand. The broccoli plants have little broccoli clusters appearing, much to Charlotte's delight!!
Have any of you used these green bags??? I am not sure what they are called. My mom gave me some out of the box she purchased. They are meant to keep produce fresh for a loooong time.

Happy birthday Charlotte!!!
Happy Birthday to your little lady.
Karly turned 11 in April and declared she was all grown up! Ha!
I really do think our little girls could be a total nightmare together... or best friends. LOL.
Im very interested in the green bags. Especially if they work for the bananas. We never get more than 2 days use out of bananas.
Happy birthday to Charlotte!
I am so sorry to hear about your sinus infection, praying for quick healing.
Hi Happy b.day to Charolette!
Love the fabric colors.
Hope you feel better really soon!
I look ofrward to hearing if the gr. bags work.
Happy Birthday to a lovely young lady! :)
BTW, I have been wondering how those green bags work myself. Keep us posted. :)
I'm glad you're on the mend!
The fabrics for the quilt are beautiful.
Tell that Charlotte girlie-girl that I said, "Happy birthday!".
So sorry to hear of your pain.
Happy Birthday Darling Child of a loving God.
School sounds structured and productive. I am so proud of you and your diligence to educate these two kids. .whey protein can be causing you a problem with your sinus. You may want to try soy protein. Whey is the waist water off of cheese production. It is highly concentrated. It causes mucus to thicken.
Ewwww. Now I don't think I can drink my shake again...I looked though and it is mostly soy protein, but there is whey also.
Happy belated birthday Charlotte, I wish I'd known, I would have given you a call for your special day.
Love your fabrics Bren, so pretty and fresh.
Happy birthday to Charlotte!She is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the photos.
I am glad the anitbiotics are helping your sinus infection.
Btw, congrats to the winners. The contest was great fun. :)
Oops typo! I can spell antibiotics! LOL!
Bren, I have been meaning to tell you that my first grandbaby will be born September 12. And we found out it will be a boy. YAY! :)
Happy Belated Birthday to Charlotte Grace, she is a pretty little lady!
Love the bright colors you chose for the quilt!
I've had a sinus infection like you described, it is no fun!! I've never tried the cleaning the bathtub trick though...LOL!
Keep us posted on how the green bags work out!☺
Great pictures of Charlotte. I hope she has a wonderful birthday.
I love those prints. Can't wait to see what you do with them. I am anxious to see how those green bags work for you.
I'm glad you're feeling better and Happy Birthday, Charlotte Grace!
I've been wondering about those bags, I saw them at the store the other day...you'll have to let us know if they really work or not.
We are kindred spirits in the cleaning department! Have you tried PineSol???
Charlotte is such a pretty girl ... Happy Birthday, Charlie! :)
Sorry you're not feeling well, Bren ... but glad you're on the upswing!
Beautiful fabric BTW!
Beautiful fabric BTW!
I hope you are feeling better, Bren! I am having allergy issues right now, not pleasant! Tell Miss Charlotte happy birthday for me! Thanks for the Mary Kay referal! :)
Happy Birthday To Charlotte!! Looks like they are studying hard!
Mmm..yummy blackberries....
And I LOVE your color palette for your summer swap piece!!
I love "eating to live" what a great mind set for a healthier life style! Good luck!
Happy Birthday to Charlotte!
I love those fabrics you chose. They look so great together. My fingers are itching to get out my quilting, but I'm trying to get some other things finished up first.
Your summer learning schedule sounds like ours. Math and Reading. I'm also having my son do a "Christian Character" book. Don't fret about the reading. My boys were a lot slower, too, but now they read like crazy! Boys are just like that. I wish someone would have shared that with me back when so I wouldn't have fretted about it so much. *sigh*
Really enjoy you blog!
God bless you ~ Julie
Love Charolttes 'little' pics! How sweet she is!
Love your fabric choices there.
Sending some health vibes to clear your sinus problems!!
Hugs, xx
Happy Birthday Charlotte!
Tell me more about the quilt block swap.
I've seen the bags on TV but haven't used them.
Mama Bear
Happy Birthday to Charlotte!!!
Sorry you weren't feeling well last week. I don't like pills either, but being diabetic, it's become a part of life for me . . . although I fight tooth and nail not to have to add any at all! LOL I don't even like to take Tylenol for a headache!
I haven't tried those bags for fruits and veggies, but I'd like to. I'm always having to throw some little bit away because we just didn't get it eaten in time.
Could it be that I passed on a sinus infection to you along with my quilt ..... because that is what my dentist thinks was my problem too? My teeth were aching and I thought it was either a root canal gone bad or a broken root. Anyways, I'm on antibotics now as well and am starting to feel better. Coincidence?
Oh what a sweetie!! Such cute pics. Happy Birthday, Charlotte. May this next year be full of blessings.
I came across these bags last summer at a local health food store. Just bought fresh ones today. I am very happy with them. As long as the produce is not wet they work fantastic! I can now shop for fresh fruit and veggies every ten days instead of twice a week. The only thing they did not help with was spring salad greens, but they don't keep long in any case. Even zuccini lasts 7-10 days. Well worth the investment. The small bags cost me 30¢ and the large ones 60¢. Ten of each lasted me a year. They do eventually get saturated and don't work as long. Best 10 dollars I have spent in a long time.
I bought 3 packages of each today as I don't want to hear I can't get them next year. I am tired of things I like being discontinued, rated bad to use or improved to the point that I hate it.
They are available on line
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