Also, on the list is some time with my Friend. I plan to take a little quiet time in the middle of the day, when I will need it most.

Dinner needs to get in the crock pot.

The kids need to be fed several times today....

Dust and vacuum the entire house!!!

Wash the kitchen, and hardwood floors.
Wipe down all the bathrooms (except that still-clean shower!)
Get in my 3 walks, weather permitting. I may need to drag out a DVD.
Also, finish up school....
And do a devotional with Charlotte. This will be a task, as she has had a rough couple of days. Post birthday stuff I think.

I told Charlotte the other day, she would be doing a scrapbook along with this devotional. She was very excited and ready to create. I told her she could do her "cover" for her scrapbook. I asked her to draw a "Maiden". Here is what she drew....
A MAID!!!!!!

I told Charlotte the other day, she would be doing a scrapbook along with this devotional. She was very excited and ready to create. I told her she could do her "cover" for her scrapbook. I asked her to draw a "Maiden". Here is what she drew....

So funny!! I explained what I meant by "maiden" and she went back to create this beautiful cover. The butterflies came out black in the scan, but they are metallic rainbow stickers. So pretty.
So I guess if I have any chance of getting this list done, I need to MOVE.......

UPDATE: Well I did not get everything on the list done. I figure I got alot of exercise while doing the floors and moving all that furniture. Tomorrow is another day!!!!
Wow, that's quite a list! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, but do be careful not to overdo it!
Glad you're feeling better!
A never ending job huh? It is around here.
Love the pics.
Have a great day!
Bren, Even if you don't get the whole list done it will be there tomorrow. I know, not a good way to think. Don't overdo it, we don't want a relapse. Wish I was there to help you while you are still feeling sick. I can do laundry like a champ.
I love Charlotte's maiden drawing.
Hugs to you all! Karen
I love the happy faces on Charlotte's figures!
Don't overdo things there! Be kind to yourself.
Wow, it sounds as if you were as busy as a beaver today! I am so glad that Charlotte is excited about her devotions and scrapbook. I hope you girls are blessed by doing these devotions together!
Thats funny.
Oh I love her pictures! Both of them. LOL. I wonder if Karly really knows what a Maiden is... maybe I better talk to her. :)
And... CHICKEN! I can't believe after seeing my laundry pile you won't post yours! Whats up with that? ;)
I think you did accomplish a lot of that list.
Hi Bren - Sounds like you were sick? I hope you're better now! With my little ones, I don't get much time to visit others'...Can you believe that you're one that I try to visit when I can? Anyway, I am always so impressed by how much you get done in a day! When I saw how you dusted and vacuumed the entire house in a day, that just made me feel so tiny!!! How do you do it? Anyway, this Raising Maidens of Virtue book sounds very interesting. I am going to look it up on Amazon...Oh, by the way, I just wanted to let you know that I "Mt. Vesuviused" my laundry room a few weeks ago. I just thought you'd appreciate my terminology :) Well, just wanted to drop by and say "Hi"!
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