What are we shopping for??? Window treatments!! I need some advice. First let's look at a couple of choices for the kitchen window.
Just one window above the sink. It has a valance and mini blinds right now. I would really like to have "kitchen curtains" Here are a couple I liked. Let's call the first one A and the second one B.
Hard to tell, but they both have fruit. Ooooor, should I stick with a valance?
Next room....the eating area. It has matching valances and blinds just like the kitchen. I want something for the windows on either side of the sliding door.
I reeeeally like this table cloth.
So here are a couple of valance choices. Again A & B.
I like that color, but I am tired of it...it is what I already have, so how about that valance in a mustard tone.
Or this one.....
I am terrible at making decisions in this department! Any input is helpful!!

It was a nice weekend. TJ came to see Grandma today.
Bud had a run to Dallas this last week, so he was able to get Zach a Texas hat and postcard. He also got one for himself, so they match. I love this picture of the "brothers" hanging out in the garage! Look at Zach's hand on Bud's shoulder! Awwwww.
That hat is perfect for covering up the haircut Zach gave himself!!!!
The other side matches. We first noticed this in the dentist office. Too bad we didn't have the Texas hat then!!!
For the kitchen sink window, I like just the valance, but if you want real curtains I like the second choice. I also like your second choice for the dining area curtains, too. What's with me and second choices tonight?????
Ya gotta love those self haircuts that kids give themselves. Aye yai yai yai. I'd like to say, "what are they thinking?", but I remember hacking my own bangs to about 1/2" when I was little and I thought it looked great.....for about thirty seconds.
I love valances, and I really like your choice for the kitchen valance. Of the kitchen curtains, I like your first choice. For the dining room, I really like the second choice for the valance. Love the gold with that tablecloth!
Don't you just love it when kids cut their hair? My daughter never cut her hair, but she lopped off her **eyelashes** once. She had the most beautiful long, thick eyelashes - one of the first things we noticed about her when she was born. They never grew back as thick and lush, which she now hates at 15!
I remember cutting my hair when I was about 8. I had it pulled back off my forehead, and one piece just kept falling down in my eyes. So I just whacked it right off at the hair line. Mama didn't suspect a thing . . . till Saturday night when she was rolling my hair for church the next morning! I got in big trouble for that. Did your mom roll your hair for special occasions?!
I really like the red valance, but in the more natural color.
Wow, Zach your hair bud, wow!
I remember cuting some of my hair (not much) and thinking, oh shoot, I am going to be in so much trouble! Instead of burying the evidence in the garbage I remember putting it under the kitchen counter thinking "Mom will think it was the dog's hair!". Brilliant! Oh wait, mom wasn't five now was she, she saw it RIGHT away! I haven't cut my own hair since ;-)
Valance for both windows! This is a great haircut if it is the same on both sides *VBG*
I think I'd stick to a valance over the sink so you can see out. I don't have a window over the sink, I wish I did. My sink is in the bar.
I'm the wrong one to ask about the colors because I like bold colors. I like the rust you already have. Is that a red in the tablecloth? I'd go with that.
Zach's haircut isn't too bad.
Mama Bear
I am no good with these type of choices either. However, I can relate to yoru son's haircut. Madison (4) decided her bangs needed cutting...my daugther was in tears.
Not much help with windows.
I did burst out laughing at Zach's hair. It seems to be a rite of passage for children to cut their own hair! What a strange choice!
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