Yesterday was a day of much sunshine mixed with lots of wind and stormy weather too. Look at those trees bowing! At the time I took this picture, there was a tornado just a town away. They also sighted a wall cloud. We had a down pour of rain after the wind and while the sun was shining! The weather has certainly been strange. I think we hit 90 today. I spent some time doing laundry. Remember those cute tea towels with the bird and "celebrate" embroideries on them?? THIS is what they look like out of the dryer.

After a hot, starchy ironing, they look better than new. I am not a fan of ironing.

I decided to give pie making another try and this time it was VICTORY! Apple pie is a no brainer, but at least it turned out good. Really, that crust recipe is wonderful!!!

Oh, and I wanted to show you Rachel's solution to "no clothes lines".

Maybe a bit classier than my deck rail....
Are you ready for
Celebration Day 7???Here goes....
1) What item has been in my kitchen my whole life?(that would have to include my Mother's kitchen)
2) Who sent my children rattle snake tails?You guys are getting so good at using that search box, maybe I should pull it out of there!! Just kidding! Tomorrow will be the last questions and the last chance to gain more entries. I am hand writing your names and putting them in the basket with each correct answer! The winner will be drawn on Monday. Remember, NONE of your guesses count unless you first comment on the Celebration post. So far that has been done. I am so excited about the people who have participated. I did not ask you to promote this drawing on your blogs, because I really want a "friend" to win the prizes. At this point anyone who is entered is considered a friend and I would be thrilled with any name drawn. I "know" all of you! Ok...Ready, Set, Search!!!

Whoo! Hooo! I'm #1 today-just to show you I don't cheat......
Your Mom's Kitchen Prayer plaque above your sink is the one thing in your kitchen you've had forever and...
the rattler's tails came from Joni and the Farmer!!!!!!!
Yee! Haw!
The Kitchen Prayer plaque was in your mom's kitchen, and now it is in yours! Joni sent Charlotte and Zachary the rattle snake rattles! I am loving the celebration! I got up extra early this morning to check for the next celebration post! It is 7:42 am in Texas! :)
I just popped in to say those piillow cases look great! Maybe an expensive Rowenta iron might make the job more fun...???? Naw, probably not...lol (although I would like one, I must admit)
Some weather you're having,hope the weekend is fairer
The ceramic plaque
Joni and the Farmer sent the kids the rattler's.....
YEA!! I will miss this contest. I have had fun searching for the answers and have learned more about you and your family...
The plague in your kitchen that was also in your mums kitchen, and Joni and the farmer sent the kids the rattle tails.
We're having hot humid weather, reached 93 yesterday. I think I've found a good setting block, but you'll need a 6 1/2 inch ruler :)))......*s*
I remember the rattle snakes but I had to look up the name of the sender and it is Joni and the Farmer! I have to confess I used your search machine to find what had been in your mother´s kitchen and then yours and that is the Kitchen prayer plaque.
Joni and the farmers sent the rattle snack tails! I'm going to say the plaque in your kitchen. You know I looked under snacks, then, tails(found a puppy), then found it under rattle!LOL
Your mothers kitchen prayer plaque and Joni and the farmer sent the rattlers. These storms (oh and flooding)sure have been making June interesting.
I am so glad you all are okay! The storms have sounded so bad!
Joni (from My Piece of Heaven) and The Farmer sent them to you.
Well, I give up on the item that is in your kitchen, so I will guess with everyone else that it is your prayer plaque behind the sink.
Will you be posting the answers to all of these on the last day? I would love to know for sure the answers.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Good morning, Bren! You have a little ceramic plaque in your kitchen that was your mom's.
The rattlesnake tails came from your bloggy friend Joni and her husband, The Farmer. And now I'm off to visit her blog! ;)
You are really working hard on this giveaway, writing the names by hand and answering all the comments. That's a lot of work - my hat's off to you!
Ok . . . I guess Joni doesn't have a blog anymore? :( I was all ready to read about her life on the farm, so if she's just moved her blog, could you share the addy?
#1. The little ceramic plaque (I had to look hard... is that it behind your sink?)
#2. Joni sent the rattlesnake tailes (How cool!)
I found them all on my own!!! I did it, I did it! I even hollered out when I did (because I know that Dani cheated because she told me.)
1) The ceramic plaque that was in your mom's kitchen and that has been in your kitchen since you married.
2) Joni and The Farmer sent the rattles (which I have to admit are very cool)
Both answer I remembered....wow and with oldtimers I'm surprised. Ha!
The ceramic plaque that is behind your sink has been with you your whole life. It was in your mom's kitchen.
Joni and the farmer sent the rattle snake tails.
Have a great day! :)
Your Mothers plaque and the rattles are from Joni and The Farmer -- lol! There's a PAL for ya!
(Did Linda say there's PLAUGE in your kitchen??? ROFL!)
I can do these two without even looking anything up. It is a plaque with a verse on it that was in your mom's kitchen and the tails (yuk) came from Joni who takes a special interest in Charlotte and Zach.
The thing in your kitchen is your mom's kitchen prayer plaque.
Finally I found the rattle snake tails were from Joni and the Farmer.
That was a tough one!
Kitchen Prayer Plaque in your kitchen.
I can still remember the kids excitement when Joni the Farmers Wife sent them the rattler tails after her post about the Rattlers.
Hope you dont have any tornados your way.xx
You have a sweet little ceramic plaque that has been in your kitchen your whole life.
Joni and the Farmer sent the rattlesnake tails to your kiddos.
Still having fun!!!!
I could not find the answer to #1, but #2 is Joni and the Farmer.
The kitchen prayer plaque has been in your kitchen your whole life, and Joni sent your kids the rattle snake tails...
I'll be posting my answers soon, but first I want to know what the recipe for the pie crust is? It looks DELICIOUS! I went to your recipe section but didn't see it. Hmmm... should I be looking somewhere else?
I can't believe I'm a day behind.
There is a ceramic plague that resembles an open book on an easel.
Joni sent the rattle snake rattlers.
Mama Bear
I can't believe I'm a day behind.
There is a ceramic plague that resembles an open book on an easel.
Joni sent the rattle snake rattlers.
Mama Bear
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