I am so surprised by how many of you are willing to search for the answers, and how easily they come to others. I can not remember TJ's name most of the time myself. I have mentioned it 2 times on my blog, but neither post was about TJ. That makes a search kind of difficult. If you do not know the answer, feel confident you looked for the answer, but still don't know it, you have permission to take a guess based on someone elses answer...just make sure you are confident they are correct! It is all about fun! The basket is filling up with names. Most of you are in 4 times now. Are we having fun??? Ok, here we go. These will be easy for some and difficult for others. Some of you have read my blog longer...Oh, I wanted to mention a little "Pieces From Me" trivia. My very first comment was from Linda at All Stitched Up. She was my first bloggy friend and we have remained very close over this past year. We have laughed together, cried together, listened, and griped to each other. I have heard more "Good anya"'s than most Aussie's and I still do not know what it means! I just know the person it comes from means so much to me. Thank you Linda!! My other first commenter's were Rose Marie, whom I still e-mail back and forth and we read each others blogs. She has over 200 so she goes in alphabetical order. When she gets to me this week she will have some catching up to do!!! I am so honored to have a beautiful quilt made by her hands. Also, Joni. How much I miss Joni, the farmer's wife. She loves my kids! Remember how she named calves after them??? Charlotte and Zachary the cows. AND...Charlotte the calf was adopted by Violet. They had some trouble bonding at first, but in the end it worked out. Hmmmmm. Sounds familiar. Joni and her farmer will always have a spot for my kids. Someday we will meet them. Ok, enough. I am getting all misty! Now, the relationships I have here through this blog are all very special to me. So are we ready to play???
1) What is Charlotte's Nickname???
(She has 2 and either answer will count correctly)
2) When the trumpet sounds, and Jesus comes back for His people, what do I want my future generation to be able to grab and take into Paradise???

Remember, you MUST comment on the Celebration post in order for these answers to count. Each correct answer will get you another chance in the drawing. Leave your answers to these questions on THIS post. See you tomorrow!

Charlie...... Took a bit of searching...
2nd one's easy, that would be the masterpiece applique that your working on. I still giggle at that idea of asking Jesus to hang on while it's collected.
The expression is good onya, as in good on you, usually very tongue in cheek.
The other nickname I remember is Gracie...right?? I love games...lol
Not sure about the second, but since Linda is soooo.....smart and you said we could "cheat" I will go with her answer of your masterpiece applique. I must have missed that post....
Hi! On One one of your entries you called Charlotte Little Miss Cinder for Cinderella and your masterpiece will be the cornacopia/fruit applique but for now till that is finished it is the spiderman backed quilt! Too funny!!
Gracie is one of Charlotte's nicknames, but I could not find what you want your future generation to grab, but boy did I give your search box a work out trying :-D
I will be mean and steal Linda's answer of the applique.
I couldn't find the other in the search either, but others did, so good for them! Being not only competetive, but also extremely stubborn, I'm not going to take points from others hard work, so I'm not gonna answer #2 ;-)
Charlie (which I think is very cute!)
Your masterpiece appliqued quilt ;)
Where does Corin get that stubborn streak???I think it's from Copper's side of the family.
If memory serves me well, I found your blog through Linda and how I have enjoyed your posts ever since.
Charlie is one of Miss Charlotte's names and heck if I had an unfinished masterpiece applique project, then I would want to collect that before stepping through the pearly gates ... will need something to work on up there.
I knew Gracie right away-how sweet.
The other one took some searching-but it was your masterpiece appliqued quilt-you silly goose!!!!!
This music makes me want to go rollerskating-like I did back in the
70's!!!!!! Anyone else have the urge to put on your pom-pom rollerskates and get boogy-ing?;)
Charlie is one of Charlotte's nicknames.
I know it would be your applique quilt masterpiece. I remember that because I felt drawn to read your blog from the first post when I found it several months ago. :)!
Well Charlie is one of the nicnames and your Masterpiece will be taken into paradise by future generations, have you finished it yet *LOL* This game is so much fun.
Charlotte's favourite nickname is Gracie.
I have no clue about the other question so am only good for one entry today.
oooh whoooo is me...i tried not to but i peeked...gracie is your adorable chicks nickname & your appliqued masterpiece was your heavenly luggage!!i sure am getting to know you...this is so much fun!!! cat^..^
OK...I'm back...my internet was knocked out due to storms for about an hour...
So I think I'm answering correctly when Gracie is Charlotte's favorite nickname.
As for the other question I did not find the answer...I'm going to go read the others now...LOL!
You would want your masterpiece quilt to go to paradise. Charlotte's two nicknames are Charlie (a lot) and she likes to be called Gracie too.
Charlotte's favourite is Gracie.
I have to say I am ashamed that I couldn't remember either and I read your blog every new post... :o maybe it's premenopause??????
So having read all the other comments I now know the answers but won't enter just will say Hello :)
Oh, and I love that picture of Charlotte :)
I found the nicknames!!!!!
Charlie and Gracie!!!
And the masterpiece applique I couldn't find, so I have to "cheat" again.
How embarrassing!!!!!!!!
P.S. This is so much FUN!!!
Well, I remembered you calling Charlotte "Charlie", but I don't remember "Gracie". Gracie does make sense, since Charlotte's middle name is Grace!:) Ah, yes, the Masterpiece quilt... I remember that one well! I am loving this whole celebration thing! By the way, you won my book drawing! Head on over to my blog...
Whew ... you definitely are a teacher!! LOL! All this looking things up has my eyes crossed. Ha, ha!
I found it ... yey, yey, yey!
Charlie (love that) but she likes Grace (is it Grace or Gracie?)
Okay ... I don't know the next question ... but am going to look that up right now. I wanted to get this down before I forgot.
Okay now I'm back with a cheat answer for #2 ...
the masterpiece applique (big thanks to Linda for the answer!!)Hee, hee.
Hi again, Bren! I must say that I am enjoying getting to know you by searching high and low on your blog for the answers to your questions.
One of Charlotte's nicknames is Gracie. And I am falling in love with this little girl!
Your thing you most want future generations to grab on the way up is your masterpiece quilt, from what I can gather.
This is fun! I've read old posts that now have new meaning, and new giggles. It took a long time to find the reference to Heavenly baggage, but I'm sure Jesus appreciates fine applique too! Charlie or Gracie - 2 disparate names for a young lady of many facets, and both fit!
I could not find the second answer and since I did not even have a guess I will pass on that one. :)
Couple days late but I perservered, and found Charlotte's nickname. This is what you said in your own words "We call her Charlie alot but she likes to be called Gracie too." And of course it is your Masterpiece.
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