"If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail."
Bill Phillips in Body For Life
There are only a few things I have a "passion" for. Out of those few things, there is one that I can not get a grip on. Quilting has been a wonderful passion for me. It brings out my creative side, which, let's face it, is limited. Homemaking has become a passion that feeds that nurturing part of me, and that is a huge part of who I am. My faith is also a passion. Possibly my biggest passion. I am touched in every part of my being through my faith in Jesus Christ. I have books (and THE book) in all of these subjects and devour any new pages on the topics of one of my passions. Another passion I feel is for fitness and health. I have
dozens of books, tapes, and DVDs on the subject. I have studied just about every health plan and fitness program out there, discarding the majority and embracing (for a time) a small minority of them. I am fascinated by people who can change their bodies from something so unhealthy to a specimen of youth and vitality!

I have made a decision many times to change my body to that of a healthy, fit, temple. I have succeeded and I have failed...over and over again. Why is this such a struggle? I have will power. Sometimes. I remember I had signs all over my kitchen...in the cupboards, on the frig, and in the pantry, that read,
I found that to be untrue.
So now I am going to make, yet, another plan. It is a plan that works for me. It is not a plan for everyone, and I am not posting this in ignorance. If you feel the need to warn me about some aspect of my plan, feel free, but do not be offended if I politely thank you for your opinion and go about my way. This plan lowered my cholesterol from 229 to 190 in 5 months. It took 69 pounds off my body in 7 months. I know....a big chunk of it came back, but it took LOTS of donuts and many hours (7 years worth) of sitting on the couch to accomplish that!
The plan includes upping my water....
Cutting out all sugar, white flour, and pasta. I will have brown rice once or twice a week.

Lots of fresh fruits and veggies
Lean red meat and lots of chicken breast.

Low fat cottage cheese is a great source of protein.
My favorite breakfast. A shake made with 12 ounces fat free milk (only time I have milk ever), 1/2 packet Myoplex Lite (chocolate is THE best), 1/2 banana, 4 strawberries and a few ice cubes. I have been adding lite vanilla (sugar free) yogurt while I am on antibiotics for my sinus.

Also, exercise. I am walking outside on days that weather permits. Also using that great workout room. I walked the treadmill yesterday at an easy-breezy 3.0 mph. After 15 minutes I thought I would die!!!

It was not long ago I was walking a 3.8 for 30 minutes and using an incline. I will get there! Add in 3 days a week of weight training to the 5-6 days a week of walking..JPG)
Another part of the plan is 2-3 days a week of yoga. Yeah, I am not big into yoga, but this DVD is AWESOME!!!!!

I don't recommend many things, but THIS I will recommend heartily! It is wonderful and I am so pleased I bought it. You can see a clip
here. It is filled with wonderful music and refreshing scripture. I need to improve my balance and I could sure learn how to relax.
"You can do it, Grandma!!!!" .JPG)
Another part of the plan is to become more active with the kids. TJ loves to play basketball with Grandma. Instead of making him chase down the ball, we can race for it!!!!
So that's the plan and I am sticking to it. I will use Wednesday's to update any successes/failures...I am sure there will be both. And can you believe they just built a dang Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins at the end of my road???
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing (including donuts) that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."
2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Look at that face!! How can I
NOT take care of myself????? It would be selfish not to.

I am completely with you Bren...I know what is needed but I have to get my head right to get there. Janine Turner looks stunning-I am busy watching her in northern exposure right now.
I will have a look at the DVD.
Best of luck my friend, you sound like you are on the right track, tracey
Best of luck.
I'm on a health kick aswell. I've gone back to eating only 3 meals a day and not snacking all day as I was. I'm also upping my walking. I'm now walking for 2 hours a day. the dog is loving it.
love and hugs xxx
I just found your blog. I applaud you for taking control like that. I, too, have decided that formalized diets just do not work for me. I have started to eat healthy, balanced meals with little to no sugar. I ride my bicycle the 5 miles to work and back for exercise every day and frankly to save money on gas. My basement is for my quilting. CarGuy has a such a bad back that he cannot climb stairs. He could get down but not back up, so the basement is mine.
You are inspiring! Thank you for this post. I think we could all benefit from more water, and exercise! niki
You go girl!
I laughed out loud when I read what you said about the statement 'nothing tastes as good as being thin feels'. When I hear that, I wonder what those people are eating!
At least you have found things that have worked. I have never had any success with any of the plans I have tried.
I told Gary the other day that rather than say I am trying to lose weight, I should say I am hoping to lose weight, because my efforts seem futile in the whole thing!
I am sure this will work, just cutting out the sugar is a big step towards your goal. I do hope that you will be able to stick to your plan.
Bren, that sounds like a great plan!!
Are the green bags working?
I think this is WONDERFUL. I lost 34 lb a few years ago on Weight Watchers. Food is a battle for me. I think your plan is awesome. I have a page on my website on execise and one on emotional eating. Look at:
http://attachmentdisordermoms.googlepages.com/attachmentdisorderandmoms if you have time!
Hi Bren - Sounds like a great lifestyle change to getting healthy! I am not a fitness expert, but I worked as a circuit trainer at Curves for awhile. Anyway, if you want to lose weight even faster (and in a healthy way), try a little weight lifting or some sort of muscle resistance exercise (I guess that's what the yoga is?). Well, even though you get calories burnt by running, you can raise your metabolism even more by leaning up your muscles (arms, legs, or tummy) because lean muscles burn even more energy, which raises your metabolism. Then, even on those days you aren't working out, your body is still burning them calories. In addition, allow yourself one "cheat" day a week where you're not really watching what you eat. That will help with learning moderation and self-control. Sometimes when you cut something out altogether, you're ok with it for a little while, but then the temptation gets too hard to bear and then you fall. With a "cheat" day built in, you can have a little of what you've given up to satisfy that craving and not ruin your health plan. Even King Solomon in Ecclesiastes talks about doing everything in moderation. So, it's ok to have something from that new Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins! Anyway, before I got pregnant with DearDaughter1, I was 25 pounds overweight (which is a lot for a person my size). I lost it all through a change in eating habits and exercise. At the peak of my fitness, I didn't even have to watch what I ate as much because eating well became a habit and even if I didn't watch what I ate, my metabolism was high enough that I was still burning more calories than I ate and I was losing 1 pound a week. Anyway, enough of my blabbering. You started off your post listing your passions...I was overweight for about 5 years and I attempted different ways to lose that weight. I failed initially because my focus was completely on the weight loss. Finally, when I realized that my body is the temple where the Lord indwells, that gave me a greater purpose to taking care of my body. It was a way of respecting the place where the Lord indwells. Like you, my greatest passion is living for Jesus Christ, and when I saw the importance of caring for my body as unto the Lord, that just shed new light on why I was doing what I was doing and it also gave me that motivation to serve the Lord in that way. It actually took me about 1 1/2 years to lose that 25 pounds. I actually gained weight before I started losing because muscle is heavier than fat. However, since I was focused on just serving the Lord with my body, I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong and I didn't really get discouraged by the weight gain at all or slow weight loss in the beginning. The weight started shedding about a year later and then it really started shedding quickly until it plateaued. I wanted to throw in that last bit just to let you know that if you don't see immediate results, not to give up, but to keep persevering!!! I'll try to stop by to see your progress. May the Lord be with you on this endeavor to a healthier lifestyle!
You go girl! I am cheering you on!
Planning is better than giving up! I too struggle with weight, it goes up and down and now up again. I am planning on it going down over the summer!
Having just attended 10 hours of diabetes education classes (I have type 2 diabetes), your plan sounds very much like what the nutritionist tried to hammer into our heads, especially the part about white anything - rice, bread, potatoes, sugar. We were told over and over again that the key to living the rest of our lives with this disease is balance, because we can't just turn this way of eating off and on again.
So it looks to me like you're on the right track, and I wish you well with it. My medication for diabetes has made me gain quite a bit of weight, and now that it's there, it won't come off. So I'm stuck with eating right and exercising and seeing nothing for it . . .other than good blood sugar control and no complications yet.
Go for it! :o)
I wish you all the luck & encouragement in the world for your endeavours! Hugs, which are calorie free!!
Bren .... you can do whatever you set your mind to do and with TJ on the sidelines urging you on .... well he is the best fan.
HI Bren!! I agree! Your plan looks great. That's what works for me too. I just need to do it. I don't want to. But I need to. But I don't want to! LOL!!
May God bless your efforts.
I need to put your quote on MY frig..."nothing tastes as good as thin feels"...so true.
Karen T.
Hi there!!
I just happened upon your blog and can SO relate to this post!! I've recently decided it's time to get my act together with my weight, too. Yes, I need to lose a good bit of weight, but I REALLY want to be healthy.
Looks like you've set your mind to your plan- that's the biggest challenge!! You'll do great, I am sure!
Mrs. U
I hope you do wonderfuly on your new plan...sounds good...I've never tried yoga and could not get the clip to act right but I got the gist of it and it seemed very relaxing!☺
I noticed all your fruit in those bags are those the ones you see on tv made by some lady (can't remember her name) if they are do they really work. It's just me and my husband and with just two people fruit seems to go bad before we can finish it..just had to be nosey...and good luck with your plan..
Blessings, Joann
Yes, yes, yes!! You are so on the right track, and I would like to get on that track with you! I find that fiber helps me too. Your diet sounds very close to what I would ideally eat. It is not exercise, I can do that, but the temptation I am faced with is CARBS! I am truly addicted...and that is not God's plan for any of us. So are we starting...now?? :)
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