It was raining and stormy yesterday morning, so instead of taking all the kids out, Rachel did my grocery shopping for me while I watched all the kids. She got some great deals and I stayed $60 under budget. It helps that, unlike me, she will not deviate from the list!!! Great picks on cereals. TJ put all the groceries away in the pantry.
He sang a pantry song while putting food away. He made it up as he went along. He was very pleased with the job he did. Rachel also picked some great looking Granny Smith apples for a pie.
The sun finally came out and the kids were able to play outside. TJ came in and decided to play "shapes" He is pictured here showing you another great pick.
Yes, he is becoming a nose picker! He will bring the offense to his mommy every time! He always has a look of disgust on his face upon examining it and is happy to get rid of it. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that Rachel picked at that kids nose constantly from the day he was born. Anything that looked like a booger and she was sucking it out with a syringe!!! No booger stood a chance!
So, are we ready for Celebration Day 4????
Here are today's questions.....
1) Who influenced me to learn to quilt????
2) My Kyle was chosen from thousands of participants for what honor?
I cry just thinking about that one! You are all doing so good!!!! Your guesses will not count unless you have already commented on the Celebration post. Tomorrow I will share the biggest life lesson I have learned from blogging.

Ha!!! Got it! Kyle lit the Special Olympics torch...way to go, Kyle! And I'm first to comment I there ya go!
Yep, just searched and found out he was chosen to light the Special Olympics Torch....What a great honor....way to go Kyle..
Now to search for the other's not an easy one to search for....
YIKES....that first question was a doozy...
Your sister-in-law Sherry from Colorado....RIGHT???
Ok, this is becoming addicting...
I'm not sure if she inspired you, but Sherry taught you to quilt, and of course Kyle was chosen to light the torch for the special olympics.
Hi Bren,
Ouch ,hope your thumb is better!
Way to go Kyle,getting to light the torch.
Have a great day.
Kyle was choosen to light the special olympic torch. Granma Grace taught you to sew?
Whew - that one took some searching! Kyle and the torch I remembered well, but wasn't sure about Gramma -- turns out it really WAS Sherry who not only inspired but enthralled!
What happened to the music? I had nothing to dance to this morning!!!
Kyle was chosen to light the torch for the Special Olympics (and I LOVE the picture!)
Your sister-in-law Sherry inspired you to quilt.
Gotta love archives! I think both of these answers came from before I was reading your blog. I started reading post after post and then realized, I had better answer the questions before I forget the answers :-)
Kyle was chosen to light the torch at the Special Olympics (what an honor!!!).
Your inspiration to start quilting came from watching your sister-in-law Sherry bind a quilt while visiting you.
Good job TJ on the pantry stocking!
Okay, disregard that last post (not the answers, just the part about the music). I've un-muted my computer, and can hear the music just fine now. :P
Yes-the Olympic torch lighting was the answer for Kyle-eeezy-cheezy one Bren!
But then, you had to go throw in a whopper to throw us off. I am guessing Sherry like everyone else. I did do my research though;)!
Have a great day.
Your sister-in-law Sherry inspired you to learn to quilt. And the simplicity of your quilting is inspiring me. I love that you quilt by hand!
Your son Kyle was chosen to light the torch in the Special Olympics! Now that IS an honor! My brother participates in the Special Olympics occasionally. He is 40 years old now and still lives at home with our parents. He suffered some early physical problems that required surgery, and went into convulsions coming out of the anesthesia after one operation. After that he was never the same. His Daddy was killed in an accident shortly after that, and my Daddy became his new Daddy ten years later.
I'm enjoying this so much that I might steal your idea of asking questions each day for my blogiversary coming up at the end of June!
Your sister-in-law Sherry taught you to quilt and Kyle was chosen to carry the Special Olympics torch! (SO cool, Kyle!!!)
No cheating today!!! Yay!
Kyle carried the light the special olympic torch and...
on my own I learned your sister in law Sherry taught you to quilt.
Im so glad I decided to participate in this challenge as I am awestruck by your wisdom. It is so timely to me right now!! :)
Question number two is easy, Kyle was the one that carried the torch and lighted the fire at the Special Olympics, well I don´t remember the year isn´t that all right?
I had to look for the other question and it was your sister in law Sherry who inspired you when she was binding a quilt for her husband :)
Yes, I have done that. For so long I didn't use a thimble. I tried but just couldn't. When I had one on the right finger, I'd end up pushing with another one. When I began hand quilting I knew it was nescessary. I found a leather one and I can use it fine. Every once in a while, I'll hit the seam with the needle, though. Yesterday I found a couple of different ones. One I especially liked that was a bit expensive. I will eventually buy it, I guess.
Kyle was chosen to litht the torch at the Special Olympic Games 4 years ago.
You taught yourself to quilt but your sister in law Sherry inspired you to learn new techniques which you taught to her.
Today when I was scrolling, I found TJ's name is Tyler James. This is almost like a scavenger hunt. I like games like this. I'm glad you thought of it.
Mama Bear
Kyle was chosen to light the Special Olympics torch.
I had thought it was your friend Sue (Quilting Chatter) that inspired you to quilt when you lived near her.
Looks as though I am wrong on that as everyone says it was your sister in law.
I am having SO much fun looking back through your blog finding these answers. I'm reading things I never read before...this is so cool.
Kyle was chosen to light the torch for the special olympics, and it was your sister in law Sherry who inspired you to quilt.
Your SIL Sherry lit your fire to quilt.
Kyle lit the torch for Special Olympics.
Ouch ouch on the nail bed! I laughed about the blood, I suspect there is a little of my blood in every quilt I have ever made!
Sherry inspired you to start quilting, and Kyle had the honor of lighting the torch for the Special Olympics. You are not alone, Mom, the Special Olympics post made me cry, too.
Sherry is the one that influenced you to quilt.
Kyle had the honor of lighting the torch for The Special Olympics.
Wow, good for Rachel. Staying $60.00 under budget is fantastic. Maybe she should become a professional shopper. Customers would save money by paying her to do their shopping.
Thanks for the fun celebration. :)
While looking for the answers for today I found the answer for yesterdays questions.
Your Sister Sherry is the person who taught you how to quilt. Kyle was picked to light the Special Olympics torch. It was a very special moment in your lifes.
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