So....I heard the word "easy" more than once yesterday. I guess I am going to have to make things a little harder....Are you ready???

2) Which of the following is NOT true.
a. My nickname is Bunny.
b. I broke my arm on the school playground at 7.
c. I have a potty mouth.
d. I use to be an Avon Lady.
e. I am GREAT at reading a map.
Tough enough?? Remember your guesses don't count unless you have already commented on the first Celebration post. Only 2 more days of questions and then the BIG DRAW! Do you even remember the prizes??? You guys are all a blast to party with!
Question 2 - A
still working on Question 1....
question 1 - don't know, but will guess grandpa....
This is not so difficult at least not number one, I almost wrote TJ or Bud, but it is your dad. Number two took a little investigation, and I think that b is not true!
Who said this was easy? They are in soooooo much trouble ;-)
The picture is of your dad, what a cute photo!
B is not true.
This has been a lot of fun, it has sent me to older posts that I may have never seen.
Ok after typing in the name of every relative I could think of into your search bar I decided the picture is... YOUR DAD!
In the same post (yeah me!) I found out you have not broken a bone and your nickname is Bunny (too cute)
So... B is untrue!!
Can we just do this for the rest of your blogging career? I am learning so much about you. LOL
The picture is of your dad. You posted it on his birthday.
And you did NOT break your arm on the school playground, so B is untrue.
I'm having so much fuuuuuuuuuun!!!!
#1 is your dad.
#2. B is not true. I'm impressed with E!
This contest is so much fun!
It's your dad in the picture.
I don't know the answers to the second question.
The photo is your dad.
I had to search a little..but the answer to 2) is b. You have never broken a bone!
I too am enjoying going back and read some of your older blog posts.:) FUN!!!
Okay...I had to visit just one blog!
That is your daddy, and B is not true. You have never broken a bone.
The little baby boy is your father, and you have never broken a bone, so you did not break your arm on the playground at 7.
These took a bit longer to track down, but I'm getting creative! LOL
Photo of your dad, and B is not true.... I had a giggle at C and thought......
The pic is of your Dad-aaaaaaah! How cute.
The other answer is B is untrue.
They sure were tough today. Thanks for the work-out!!!!;)
Your Dad, & how cute was he!!
B, you are lucky no breaks.
Wow... you certainly challenged us today! The picture is of your dad, and B is untrue. I laughed at C, too! I remember the post about that one... Zach picked up your bad habit!!
The picture is of your Father.
You've never broken a bone so b. is not true. I was thinking about C. but I remember when you told us the word you say a lot that someone else was picking up on. The answer was in your MeMe.
Mama Bear
Ha ha -- that's the last time I taunt you about your easy question! You done good this time girl -- now I know the beautiful baby is your Daddy, and you never did break your arm so B is not true.
Whew I finally found the answer to #2 which is B you've never broken a bone. The picture is of your dad.
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