I am overwhelmed by the comments and kind words on the Celebration post. I am so blessed to "know" each of you! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had the most beautiful weather here. Saturday was a quiet day. I spent alot of it preparing yesterday's post. That was a lot of pics!! I took a nap....yes I did!! and the kids watched Ratatouille. Later in the afternoon, Rachel picked up the little kids to help weed at her house, and I had the house to myself. Kyle was here, but spent all his time in his room watching a movie. It was very odd not having them here. Sunday, Sweetheart went to our son's house to help with some deck work. Lattice and trim mostly. I stayed home. The little kids played outside with friends, Kyle had his friend here watching movies, and I spent the day in the sewing room!!! I really miss hand quilting the little table runner I am giving in the blogoversary gifts. I knew I had 2 more runners needing to be done quickly, so I cut them both and have them all ready in different stages. They are the same but different. Make sense??? Same fabrics, same blocks, different layouts. They are for sisters. This one is pieced, basted and ready to quilt.
This one is cut and laid out ready to machine piece.
See, the same, but different. The fabrics are from my jelly roll. I had one set up different but really did not like it. It needed a consistent fabric to break it all up. I really like them, but even better, Rachel LOVES them. That is good since the owners are about her age! I hope they don't read my blog....don't let them Niki!!
Sweetheart came home and Bud, Rachel, and TJ came too. We ordered pizza and had a nice dinner. Afterwards the kids played outside.
"Look up dare!!"
WOW! You could hear the whoosh of the fire. They were close enough to wave to.
It was a great weekend and I spent the evening hand quilting on the table runner thinking about the week ahead. I plan to have a good one!! Hope you do too!
Celebration Day 2
Are you ready for more chances to win?? Here are 2 more questions. Answer them and you get your name thrown in another time for each one you answer correctly. Remember, your answers only count if you commented here first. Here we go...leave your answers to these 2 questions on THIS post.
1) What does TJ stand for????
Good Luck!! See you tomorrow with more chances to win!
TJ = Tyler James and aren't those the bags that Rachel made?. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, I'm guessing you still haven't found a home C yet.
What did Rachel ever do with all those bags, anyway? They're so pretty! And Tyler James couldn't really be anything else but TJ now, could he?
Rachel made those bags as Christmas gifts for her cousins. RIGHT??
And of course Tyler James....
Well, I looked and looked and...
...Finally, I found that picture of Rachel making those bags - for Christmas gifts I think!
And I could NOT find what TJ stood for until I clicked to leave a comment - so I guess "Tyler James" it is! (If the other commenters are correct!)
So, I kinda cheated...but I did put in the effort! Does that count???
(In case you didn't guess...I could give Corin a run for her money in the "competitive" department! My hubby and I had to stop playing Trivial Pursuit early in our marriage because I got too...um...well...MAD, when I lost! Oh, how embarrassing!)
Now you know the awful truth!
LOL Alesha, we'll have to be sure to lock any games up, if we ever meet ;-)
That is a cool hot air balloon! We don't get those around here.
Those bags are ones that Rachel made. The one on the far left was one she made for herself.
It took me quite a while to figure out TJ, because I assumed the J was for Jr.! But after searching T names, I finally realized that his name is Tyler James :-D
The bags are the ones Rachael made at your house, but I haven't a clue about TJ's name!
Will not cheat, will not cheat...
The runners you are working on look so fun and colorful!
I remember the bags!!! Those are the bags that Rachel made.
I reread all the TJ posts and didn't see his "real" name, so I'll just have to not have a guess on that one. Not cheating, no matter how sorely I'm tempted. Dani and I are stubborn that way.
The new runners are beautiful!!
I searched and searched and for the life of me could not find TJ's name. At first I thought it was Thomas James then came to leave my comment and others before me have mentioned Tyler James which is like a lightbulb I should have known moment.
Those are the bags that gave Rachel the name of Bag Lady. She worked really hard on these bags at your house.
Wouldn't it be cool to ride an air balloon to slow take in God's creations.
I searched and searched and for the life of me could not find TJ's name. At first I thought it was Thomas James then came to leave my comment and others before me have mentioned Tyler James which is like a lightbulb I should have known moment.
Those are the bags that gave Rachel the name of Bag Lady. She worked really hard on these bags at your house.
Wouldn't it be cool to ride an air balloon to slow take in God's creations.
The bags are very cute. So many pretty colors for the spring and summer.
TJ = Tyler James, and those are the lovely purses that you and Rachel made for her to give out as Christmas gifts.
The bags were Christmas gifts that you made with Rachel Christmas of 2007.
I did look at the comments but I was fully prepared to guess Tyler James when I came in here. I could not find the name but I just kept thinking Tyler James, Tyler James.
I am enjoying searching your blog. There is so much other cool stuff here I have never even seen!! LOL
The bags are the one that Rachel did last December. I have no clue what TJ stands for and I will not cheat.
OK, one half of this was really easy for me. How could I forget the bag I made for you and then all the bags that you and Rachel made from that same pattern :)
T.J is harder. I really can't say that I remember what the initials stand for so I just say that
T.J. stands for ADORABLE.
I'm so busy answering the questions forgot to say how much I love your little runners.
I know, I know !
Cute TJ's full name is TYLER JAMES, and the bags were made by Rachel for Xmas, I think.
Is that right ???
Oh tell me it is, and please, please, pick me, pick me, pick me !
THANKS for these fun games, Bren.
Everyone else says Tyler James and that Rachel made the bags for Christmas gifts. I feel like a cheater looking at their comments though. I am finding out a lot about you!
The bags are Christmas gifts made by Rachel. TJ Thomas James.. I remember you mentioning his full name but I can never remember names!
Rachel is who made the bags. TJ is for Thomas James
I think that same hot air balloon went over my house on Sunday night.
I would be to afraid to ride in one but love to watch them
TJ stands for Tyler James, and what a cutie he is! The bags are Rachel's, she made them as Christmas gifts!
I love the way he is sitting in the picture. I know that the bags are purses for Christmas gifts. I have spent an hour searching your past posts for the name the intitials stand for. I'm not going to steal the answer because they could be wrong. It might not even stand for any names. My Dad's name was J.H. and that was his real name although he was named for his grandpas.
Mama Bear
Ok, I had to cheat on these. I looked high and low for TJ's name, assuming it was his initials, but I couldn't find anything with his full name. Then I looked at the comments - and there was Tyler James!
While I was searching for TJ's name, I saw one post that mentioned the bags and had that same picture and that Rachel had made them. Then I sneaked back out to the comments and saw that Rachel had made them as gifts, possibly? LOL I am SO bad! So sorry to cheat.
Tyler James and the bags Rachel made for friends or family?
I knew those were the bags that Rachel had made at your house for her friends.
As for T.J.-I honestly don't remeber you ever telling us. Did you? I don't want to cheat, so I'm going with the honest to goodness truth.
I LOVED the other runners! i still can't believe you get to meet Niki in real life-you lucky ducky!!!!!
Can't wait for more fun tomorrow!
oooh doll...C.E.L.E.B.R.A.T.I.O.N TIME COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Bren &Tyler James,
I think these are purses if not they would be great tote bags or purses.
Hope your having a great week.
Tyler James of course and Rachel did such a fine job on those bags. I'm sure everyone loved their Christmas gifts. :)
Is Rachel going to make some more bags for your giveaways ..... that is the perfect number .... 9 bags for 9 giveaways?
I couldn't remember what TJ stands for, except TJ is the only way I think of him .... he is so adorable!
Tyler James is TJ.
Rachel made those bags, clever girl.
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