No, I am not giving a trip to Disney World!! I am however giving you the chance to make your house a castle!! My g!veaway to celebrate my 200th post is my favorite homemaking book "The Messies Manual" by Sandra Felton and a custom made-by-me apron for the winner.
The cover of the book will be different (mine is OLD) and the apron fabric will be chosen based on the winner.
For those who do not care or have a need for housework, you will not be sorry to win this book. It is written with humor and wisdom all mixed together. There are categories of Messies. Here they are with a little explanation (my own) to each you see yourself in any of them?? I do.
The Perfectionist Messie: When you clean, you do it very thoroughly. Problem is, it takes to long to do the job to your standard, so though your oven is sparkling perfection (the job you just did) the rest of the kitchen is trashed!
The Rebellious Messie: You have issues from your childhood. Your mom was a cleanie and insisted you be one too. You will show her!!!!
The Relaxed Messie: You rationalize your need to kick back at home. You worked hard all day and the housework will wait. Or you spent all day taking care of the kids and it will not say on your tombstone how clean your house was (By the way, a Messie came up with that saying!)
The Sentimental Messie: Your house is over taken with all your kids beautiful artwork. You have your teenagers baby teeth in the junk drawer, and of course you couldn't possibly get rid of anything you have!!!
The Spartan Messie: You get rid of everything in order to maintain your house. This means you really do not have to do any work, because there is nothing to clean. You have considered roping off that one needs to be in there anyway! You sleep on top of the made bed with a blanket so when you get up the bed is already made!
The Clean Messie: Even though your house is a mess, everything is clean. The piles of laundry laying on your couch have been washed and dried...shoot they may even be folded....but they are not put away. Your sinks are filled with dishes...but they are clean. The beds are unmade, but the sheets have been changed and the clutter that graces your bathroom sink has some sort of order to your own mind.
The Safe Messie: This Messie decides that it is better to let the bed air out all day instead of make it. She believes that air drying the dishes is safer (no germs from the dish towel) and she cares more about the environment being safe than her home being clean.
The Old Fashioned Messie: You love the old fashioned ways. You wash your floors on your hands and knees or not at all. You bake from scratch and have never bought a cookie. You have a motto: Do it right or not at all!! Most of the time, it is not at all!
The Idealistic Messie: You are such a dreamer that you rarely even know your house is a mess. You have lots of wonderful ideas and thoughts and they consume all your time. What you do not realize is your creativity and thoughts would flow so much better in a clean environment.
So....what kind of Messie are you??? This book will help you find out and give you all the keys to making your messy house a neat orderly home. No perfection, but it takes work! Leave a comment so you can strap on your new apron and start creating a beautiful home! Oh, and if you are a Cleanie, still leave a comment...I am sure you KNOW a Messie! Winner will be announced Monday morning!
Incase you were wondering....I am a Relaxed Messie.
Since DH does all the housework, I will enter for him, lol. Can you make the apron in something masculine?
Hi Bren, SOunds liek a fun book.Lol
THe apron is so pretty.
Happy Cleaning.
Sounds like a great book. Not sure what kind of messie I am, probably
company is coming messie, better clean the house.
But I want the trip to
Hmmmn...I think I see myself in a couple of those categories. Hmph. I guess I could give cleaning a go -- it's got to be better than tripping over things :0). Congrats on 200 posts Bren!
I had to laugh Debi's response!! I'm happy my DH does the yard work!
I don't fit in any of those "messie" categories - I'm a pat rat, then get overwhelm a give lots of things away to clean up! The book sound very interesting and the apron is cool! I never thought of a give-away for a blog-anniversary!
Congrats on yours! I truly am inspired by your posts.
Do I have to just choose I category? I'm probably mostly the old-fashion messie. I just wish my family fell into some of those categories so I wasn't retracing my steps all the time!
Woohoo! A giveaway!
I am SUCH a perfectionist messie, it's not even funny! Currently you can eat off of my floors, but please don't ask to use the bathroom!
Hi Bren,
Congrats on your 200th post! Thanks for all your writings. I read you everyday but haven't been able to comment ... apparently blogger doesn't like us wordpress bloggers much. :) But I think that I got this to work now ... hopefully!
I am not sure which messie I am ... a combination of a couple I suppose. None fit me quite right, I must be special. :)
That must be some book if it can turn this place into a castle! VBG It does sound like a fun read. Congratulations on your 200th post and may you have another 200 very soon.
how neat is this. you seem to be supper mom. you are an insperation.seeing how my mom is gone. I look for others to help me along the way and thats were blogging came in. Im the perfections messie and the its clean but not put up. it is so hard to clean cook home school 4 kids ages 11-2 i think im going crazy. I so love your blog. Keep it up i love the cleaning and schedualing tips and tid bits
I am a perfectionist messie, reformed, or trying to be :)
I already have a lovely apron from you,so please don't enter me in the draw, I just want to say
Congratulations and I love your blog!
Congratulations Bren! I think I'm a combination messie. :)
I'm a cross between the spartan messie and the clean messie...LOL!
Gal, you sold me on the apron. I would want one just like in the picture as that material is similar to my kitchen curtains ;)
I am a modern messy. I will clean every day, unless I can sew, or read. My house is straight, but you don't want to eat off of my
Would love the book and apron. I would need a black/white apron to match my kitchen...
Oh, golly, I'd have to say I'm a combo of messies! I found your blog thru Corin's when she mentioned your eviction tactics - good!
I am going to try and win this for my Mom who is a Messie and I would say a Perfectionist Messie. I think she would benefit from the book. She would probably come by herself but she is busy taking care of my grandmother who broke her kneecap.
OK, I'll confess. :) I'm a cross between a Safe Messie, and Idealistic Messie, and isn't there a category for "DH would live in a pigsty, and I don't have the energy to fight him? category???? :D
That said, I'd LOVE to win - my mom LOVES aprons. :D Thanks for the chance, and for coming to check out my blog, too, Bren. :)
I'm SHOCKED!! How did I ever miss this book? :) I must have about every book ever written on housecleaning/organizing, etc. Looks very interesting!! I love the apron too!
Congrats on the 2ooth post. I read through the messies and what a hoot. Who knows which one I really am.
Wow, there are actually more people out there like me! I'm a combo of the clean messie and the perfectionist messie... so some things are very, very clean all the time. :) I've read your blog for awhile... I think I found it when I was looking for info on sewing and quilting. Oh how I wish you lived close enough to teach me. I want to learn to sew better and quilt so that I can create family heirlooms to pass on... anyway, congrats on your 200th post!
I think I am an Old Fashioned messie and I really need an apron since I foolishly gave all of mine away when we moved.
200? Really??? Wow -- time flies, for sure.
I have to admit to being a perfectionist - I'll spend forever cleaning out a closet or the fridge, and the dishes sit till I get a 'Round Tuit'.
Congratulations Bren, on 200 posts. I really enjoy your blog. Not sure what kind of messie I am, but would like to find out. LOL Please enter me in the contest.
Hi! I am closest to the "Old Fashioned" Messie, but I'm also part "cleanie". I think I must have some issues which need to be resolved. I also know some "messies" and could probably become one if I don't read this book. LOL
Congratulations on your 200th Post! How exciting! That book looks like a hoot, I also found myself in a few of those descriptions, but my fav so far is the clean messy! LOL!
Such a special and nice giveaway ! THANKS for putting my name into the drawing (now I'm crossing my fingers...AND toes !)
UGS & smiles to you, dear !
I would love to be in the draw please
have a fab day
hugs Beth
Happy blogiversary, Bren!
...ask my Mum? she'd tell you Im just messy *lol*
Congratulations on your 200th blog!
I would love this book and especially the apron! I am a Sentimental messy and most assuredly an Idealistic Messy! Thanks for sharing!
Wow 200 blogs congratulations, since I joined the blog world I read your blog daily.
The Clean Messie fits me to a T. I live alone, seem to do my house work in spurts. I'm the only one here, so who makes the mess, uhmmmm must be me. I had to laugh I have clothes folded on the couch right now.
Hmm...which messie would I be? Probably the one who can ignore mess until you accidentally step in it?
How funny! My pastor's wife is doing a little homemaking series and she brought up this book! How odd that this is the second time in less than a week that I have heard this author mentioned!
This is the perfect book that I need! Thanks for the head's up about your give away!!! I think I'm a combination Perfectionist and Clean Messie...In addition, I've been telling DearHubby to get me an apron for the last several years so, the apron will be icing on the cake (if I win)!!!! Thanks for your generosity and congratulations on your 200th post!!!
I am a perfectionist messie I think ;)
Never heard of the Book, sounds like one I needed right away! As for what type of messie I could be. I am clueless! Love aprons!
Love your blog.
Congrats on your 200th post and best wishes for 200 more. That trip to Disney would be nice!
Congrats on your 200th post. You are an awesome blogger!
I'm not a perfectionist but I do like a clean and tidy home. Being in a mess makes me feel frazzled.
Gosh Bren-I NEED this book and you know the passion I have for aprons!!!
Congrats on your 200th post-I love everyone of them!!!
As in everything, I'm a combination of things- a Perfectionist Messie and a Relaxed Messie. Hehe! This list is just too funny. Thanks for sharing.
I will admit...I am a Messie! Congrats on your 200th post!
Oh, oh, oh! Bren, I have an apron fetish! I LOVE aprons! I would love to win an apron made by you! Each of my aprons have a special story (Ok - all but two of them).
And the book? The book sounds like it would be a fun read.
Happy 200th post!
I would love to win a giveaway like this. I love your blog! Valerie
I haven't read this book, but I think I would enjoy it. Maybe the book will clean my house. ;)
I'm off to tidy up some hotspots before I hit the hay. ;)
Sorry, I missed your giveaway; but congrats on your 200th post!
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