Isn't it GORGEOUS!!!! Jenny made this pillow for me through the Pay It Forward group. I must tell you, in the card she sent with it, she said this is her first real crochet project. I am in awe! I have always been so impressed by Jenny's abilities. She does the most incredible stitchery, dolls, quilting and she recently knit a gorgeous sweater! Now to see this crocheted pillow...well I am just speechless! Thank you so much Jenny. It has a place of honor in my sewing room, which matches perfectly I might add!
I already have my PIF gifts planned, though I will not start them until February. Thanks for being patient!
Thank you all for your well wishes concerning my new Grandbaby. I am still walking on a cloud. I sent TJ a little e-mail smiley that says "Grandma Loves You." and had to go back and address it to "TJ and our new baby". One Grandbaby has been wonderful...two will be twice as wonderful. Pray for Rachel..she likes to sleep and eat when she is pregnant! teehee. TJ was not too long..a standard 21 inches, but he weighed almost 10 pounds. If you look at my profile pic, he was only 2 days old there. Rachel had no meds, no epidural..nothing..though not by choice. I thought she was going to rip that nurses head off when she was told she could no longer get the promised epidural as she was too far along in her labor. She had begged for it earlier only to be told by the same nurse, it was to soon to get it.
I spent a piece of yesterday marking and basting my 4 Season Swap piece. I should take the first quilting stitches in it this evening.
While going through stencils, I found a little crazy quilt mini I had pieced together years ago. I used the machine to do some embroidery stitches along the seam lines. I had planned to use a little lace iron on and some buttons for embellishments, but never got around to it. I have a love for the old time crazy quilts and have always wanted to make one. I think I will add it to my list of things for 2008. Just a wallhanging of about 30x30. I will use velvets and silks and do all handwork for the embellishments. Hmmmm, more planning.
For today, I will get school going, and do my dailies. I have accomplished the deep cleaning in my new monthly schedule for the 3rd week of the month. I should look at the 4th week and plan which days next week I will be able to check those jobs off. Friday is the day I do the floors here. The hardwood floor needs to be done every other week and this is the week. I was reading Monique's blog this morning and followed a link. This quote jumped out at me for today. I will leave you with it as I go start my morning.
Congrats on the new grandchild. I am waiting for the call that number 5 is on the way...any day now!!
Big babies run in my family. My first was 9-2, second 10-8 (and 24 inches long) and third 9-10. I only gained 5 lbs with the third, so eating doesn't really affect the babies weight...
Your pillows are beautiful, she did a great job.
That pillow is adorable! Love the other projects as well. Have fun with them!
What a beautiful pillow!
I just love the colors~ so nice!
What beautiful projects that you have going Miss Bren, you are very talented!
I am still working on my goals page!:( I am so slow...
This cold is killing me!
Have a blessed weekend!
Beautiful pillow and congratulations on your new grandbaby, it sure is a blessing.
how pretty. I wish i could find me the croche wash rags. I here they are the best. My sis in law uses them and swears by them.
I love that little pretty it is and how blessed you are to be gifted with it!
That quote at the end there cracked me up for some reason...LOL!
Beautiful pillows! Looks like a lot of love went into those stitches.
Wow - her FIRST??? I'm in awe too - I'll have to go look her up!
2 grandbabies is awesome - 3 is fantastic, 10 is exhausting! LOL -- the best fun you'll ever have!
Hi Bren, Such thrilling news about a new baby!
Your PIF gift is lovely.
Lovely post! The pillow is so pretty, as is your quilt square, Bren, I love it!
I love crazy quilts too. The thought of making one overwhelms me though. I'm so glad you like the pillow and that it matches your sewing room!
Hi Bren!
I have been thinking of making some sort of crazy quilt too! I thought I might teach my daughter. It seems like a "no fail" kind of project for her.
I love seeing your squares and projects. It keeps me inspired! I can't imagine being able to crochet such beautiful pillows on a first try! Things do not come that easily to me. :)
T2CHK stands for Titus Two Christian Homekeepers. It is a message board that I help administrate and we have a quilt block swap annually. We have one coming up. I combined the last 2 years of squares into one quilt. The first year we did it I had herniated disks in my back so it has been a slooooow process.
Anyway, t2chk is at and website at
Have a great weekend!! Karen T.
Hi Bren,
What a beautiful pillow.
Happy your having a new Grand:o)
I Love crazy quilts.
Happy quilting .
Congratulations! Those crocheted pillows are adorable, as is the project you are working on. I too have thought about doing some crazy quilting. I've purchased some remnants, but haven't done anything with them yet.
I love the pillow and the crazy quilt block is great.
What a wonderful pillow! And Congrats!!
I loved the quilting too, beautiful work
Hello, I love that pillow. She did a great job. I have a very dirty floor but the bedrooms are clean:)
The pillow is beautiful! Your 4 Season swap is really turning out well! If I was making it, it would be hard to send it on to the swap partner!
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