I have had to do some tweaking on my weight loss program. Yes, I understand it is a lifestyle change, but mostly I am in this to lose weight. The actual life style change will come into play for me when the weight is off. It should be an easy transition if I remember to continue to a certain degree with what I did to lose the weight. After feeling sick and my brain being in a fog for a couple of weeks, I went off the program the Cevene Clinic put me on and did what I KNOW works for my body. I feel I am insulin resistant to a certain degree and once I went back to a low carb (good carbs are there) way of eating, I feel much better. My weight was to a point that I may have needed to go on blood pressure medication if I did nothing. This is not just about looking good, it is about me being borderline high blood pressure, borderline diabetic, and lots of pain in my arms and legs from carrying the extra weight. I am small framed and 5' 5" tall so the extra pounds cause problems for my body. I watched Oprah the other day and there were women who need to lose 300 pounds. My heart goes out to them. I do not know how their bones and organs handle it. Anyway....I dropped 3 pounds this week! I am thrilled. I have hit 10 pounds and plan to visit the fabric store. I am going to buy a yard of fabric every time I hit 10 pounds. I will make a "weight loss journey quilt" at the end. There should be PLENTY of fabric, so it will be big! Along with changing my eating this week, I also added some walking back in.
I have several Leslie Sansone DVD's, but this is my favorite. It has a total of 6 miles in it. I have a treadmill, but this workout does more than a treadmill. I do 1.5 miles in the morning and 1 mile in the afternoon. I will increase these. I like this DVD because you can do 6 miles if you do all the segments. Her miles are nothing like a walk in the neighborhood or a walk on the treadmill. She incorporates arms, and leg movements that target certain muscle groups. Not an easy workout. Charlotte and Zach usually do the mile in the afternoon with me. It is quite entertaining. The walks go from 4.0 to 5.0 MPH...that is pretty fast, so the workouts do not take long...30 minutes including warm up and cool down.

Another thing I have done, since I am very visual...who is not visual??...is to pick an outfit that is my first goal. I hung it in my office/sewingroom where I can see it everyday. The pants are 2 sizes smaller than what I wear now. They look bigger in the pic...in person the whole thing looks much smaller.
And what about size?? In America a woman's dress size is 8, 10, 12, 14, 16...so on. Even though there are numbers missing, going from a 16 to a 12 is 2 dress sizes, not 4. So all together I want to lose 5 dress sizes...not 10 like my doctor said. Clothing size is more important than weight. Anything 12 and under for a woman is considered healthy (according to my Internal Medicine doc) depending on her frame. I want to be in a size 8/10. I was in a 12 at my son's wedding and still looked fat...I did not "feel" fat, but in reality I was. Another healthy gauge is your waist measurements...no one ever got heart disease from a fat butt. It is your belly fat that causes health problems. A woman's waist should not be over 35 inches. 35 inches does not mean she is not overweight, it just means over 35" you are at high risk for weight related health problems.
I was informed by Tammy that today is National Pie Day. Well, doesn't that just go along with today's theme??? I am to share a pie recipe. I was going to do quiche, but changed my mind. All I do is throw eggs, meat, veggies, and cheese in a pie shell and bake it. Hopefully someone else will have a wonderful quiche recipe.

My pie recipe has a very low carb filling and can be eaten as a dessert, minus the crust of course. It is not recommended for low calorie, low fat dieters. I am sure it would use up ALOT of WW points! Here is the recipe, as simple as it is. .JPG)
1 graham cracker or pastry pie crust
16 oz. heavy whipping cream
8 oz cream cheese (softened)
1 small box sugar free instant pudding (any flavor)
6 oz water
Beat 8 oz of heavy whipping cream until thick. Set aside
In a large bowl beat cream cheese until smooth. Add remaining 8 oz of whipping cream and mix. Add 6 oz. water and mix until consistency of whipped cream. Add pudding mix and blend. Add whipped cream that was set aside and mix on high speed. Fill pie crust and top with dessert topping or cool whip. Refrigerate.
I do not put it in a pie crust, but eat it in a small dessert dish. This serving contains about 5 carbs. Perfect for a chocolate fix, but it is wonderful made with butterscotch too. It is very rich, so you do not need a large amount. ENJOY!!!!.JPG)

Good Morning! Congratulations on 10 lbs! Way to go!
I had no idea today was National Pie Day guess that I will have to make one!
Your pie recipe sounds scrumptious and I can't wait to try it!
Have a blessed day!
Woo hoo congratulations on the 10 pound loss, you are getting there. Good job with the walking. Although it is a slow process, it is a rewarding one. I am picking out my 1 yard of fabric this weekend!
WAY TO GO, GIRLFRIEND....10 lbs is a lot of weight to lose and I'm proud of you!
The pie sounds delicious!!
Yeah Bren you are doing it pound by pound. Congrats to you!!
Congrats on your weight loss!! Way to go!!! Keep on keeping on!!
Congratulations! Remember: baby steps!
I like the idea of a quilt to help you mark this journey you're on. Can't wait to see your progress on it in the coming months. ;)
Hi Bren,
Congratulations on 10lbs.
Your pie sounds yummy.
Have agreat day.
Dear Bren,
Greetings!! I have a couple of things to catch up on with you, but first I want to say...
Congratulations on meeting one of your goals!! *woo hoo* --cheering for you!!-- And I have to say I LOVE love love your whole idea for the weight loss journey quilt!! How creative and rewarding...I think you will inspire many others out there to do something like that for themselves!! Wonderful!
And ok...I am SO late in picking up my "made my day" award!! Sorry about that! But thank you so kindly for it!! I love your blog and reading about your family...you are so encouraging! I've been very busy with life here that blogging kind-of went to the backburner for awhile...
Well, many blessings to you and yours. I will keep you in my prayers that you will have continued strength through your weight loss journey and the Lord will be your guide and strength!
I, too am on a weight loss journey that will turn into a lifestyle change. I think the pie sounds great and with some minor tweaking, could easily be lower fat and calories!
Great job on the weight loss! I will have to post pie day one day late, sorry I didn't have it together enough today for a second post. I did 3 miles on my Sansone dvd though :)
I have a Lezlie S walking CD but since we got the DVR and it takes 3 different remotes to get it on then get it off I just gave up! I'm hoping the prez is really going to give us the "tax break" I will definately buy a tread mill with ours!! Hows that for stimulating the economy...when I lose the needed weight I will stimulate it further by purchasing clothes...LOL!
Hey I'm 5'5' too!
Thanks for you pie recipe!
Here is to more pie!
Hi Bren,
This recipe looks so good and easy! I'm starting a new diet program tomorrow so this is a keeper! Butterscotch is my favorite!! Thanks for sharing.
I'll be back to read more of your blog now that I've found you.
Well done, with your 10 lbs.
I forgot the pie recipe! I had been going to make one to photograph, then we went out, so it slipped my mind.
I think a reward-yourself system is good for weight loss, & fabric is a perfect reward!
We do have a lot in common. Yours is the first place I've visited today that has both Live Well and Pie on it.
I think I could make this pie fit my WW if I could do something about the Whipping Cream. My Quiche works.
I am 5'6 and I have always worn a size 14 dress. I have wide shoulders. I have to have a 16 jacket and this is even at my goal weight.
You are doing great. It is about more than weight but we do need to get to one that is healthy. I've put you in favorites. I quilt too and liked your incentive. I had been thinking of some way to reward myself at each milestone. I was thinking of a new pair of earrings. Fat Quarters would work too. Your quilt is an excellent idea. Are you going to do the little journal squares?
Mama Bear
Hi Bren!
10 pounds!! How awesome!! I'm so proud of you.
I will post a "healthy pie" recipe today on doing it for life, then a "not-so-healthy" pie recipe on our family site.
Thank you so much for sharing. As I say time and time again ... you're such an inspiration!
God bless!
This sounds so good!
Wasn't pie day fun? : )
Thank you for sharing your recipe!
Congrats on your weight loss! What a great idea - fabric for lost weight. Neat!
congratulations 10 pounds loss...... is great.
and congratulations you will be " GRANDMA"- "NONNA" in italian.
ciao ciao
Yummy sounding dessert! I am back on weight-watchers, so am counting those points too. The first time I did this, I hung up a pair of inspiration pants too, and it worked! Great job !
Wow look at you doing such a great job. I thank you for the pie email I'll think on it today. Sounds like fun. That winter quilt is beautiful!
Thank you for your kindnesses I love you
As you can tell I have some catching up to do but CONGRATULATIONS on your 10 pound loss!! Hurrah! Yippe, yell it from the roof tops.....12 pounds is one size, so you are almost there! I am not doing so good, with Disney and then being sick, I'm farther behind than i wanted. Next week is a new week!
Hi Bren, I will pray for your weight loss journey! I need to lose LOTS of weight! It is not easy... Anyway, I had know idea it was Nat'l Pie Day, probably just as well... LOL!
Have a great day!
Karen T.
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