Kyle has spent the afternoon working on his "John Cena Scrapbook" and coloring in a poster with markers. He calls it his "art". His John Cena Scrapbook has nothing of John Cena (a wrestling superstar) in it, except on the cover. Inside are pictures of family, friends, and school staff. He does the pages much like you would see in scrap booking.
I also had my consultation at the Cevene Clinic today. They offer several programs and I was very impressed with one of them. It is the "Living Well for Life" program.

There are 6 steps:
Step 1. Think Well. This step covers knowledge of how to actually Live Well.
Step 2. Mobility. Taking care of your bones and joints. This includes Chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy.
Step 3. Eat Well. The eating plan is based on the right foods in the right balance, much like Body For Life. It goes by the hormone balancing plan concerning insulin and glycogen. Insulin tells the body to store fat and glycogen tells the body to burn fat. I need more glycogen so I will need to eat foods that tell the body to make it.
Step 4. Vitamins. Self explanatory
Step 5. Play Well. Encourages you to move and stay active. Moving a sewing needle does not count!
Step 6. Don't Quit! Encourages you to continue living the program for life.
There is no special food to buy or bars or shakes to purchase. No contract to sign. Just knowledge and accountability. Dr. Cevene looked me in the eye and said if you do not lose and tell me you are doing everything you are suppose to, I will draw your blood and be able to tell what you have been eating. He does not know me, and that I do not hide my failures, but I like that he will hold me accountable!! I was told in 10 days my hormones would be in balance and I would be feeling wonderful. If you slip and eat badly, you feel sick. I asked him about the Myoplex lite that I love and he said that was a WONDERFUL drink. I was happy to hear that. I can keep my coffee and even diet pop if I want, though water is important. He likes the Body for Life approach, but told me I could work out, or not. I would still lose weight. I definitely want to do some weight training and walking. He says I should lose 10-20 pounds the first month and should drop a total of 40-60 pounds in 4-6 months. I will be playing basketball with Zach by summer!! My heel spur, is not caused by my weight. From what the doctor said, my arch has fallen and caused inflammation in my foot and the heel spur. He can take care of that. He told me we would do ultrasound on the heel and in 2 weeks I would be pain free. Then I need orthodics for my shoes. I told him I was NOT wearing ugly orthopedic shoes. He looked down at my crocs and giggled. Then he explained that I could wear the orthodics in Gucci heels if I wanted to. Getting old is not something I dread, or am afraid of, but come on!!! Orthodics???!!! I go back on Tuesday for a 1 hour detailed plan created just for me.
Thank you all for your prayers concerning Kyle. He is disappointed about not returning to his room, but he will remain at the "sewing room motel" until the new medication is at a therapeutic level in his body. A couple of weeks probably. He is not going back to work on Monday, as there is MORE paperwork to be done...that should be done on Wednesday. This poor kid just wants his life too!
Laundry and housework did not get done like I would have wanted today. Homemade vegetable beef soup for dinner and some quality TJ/Grandma time was the order of the day!
I will spend the weekend planning the weeks homeschool lessons, prepping and stitching a tea towel, catching up laundry, attending Sunday service, and spending time with Sweet Hubby and the kids. I have had several new people comment recently with a "no reply", so I want to take a minute here to say I appreciate your visits and your comments. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

Keeping Kylie in my prayers. Good news on your body for life program.
I will continue to pray for Kyle. Sounds like you are on your way on your weight loss journey! Good for you!
We'll keep praying for Kyle!!
I'm sooooo happy to hear about the Live Well thing you're doing. It sounds so interesting and want to thank you for the pointers!! I'm so motivated from you right now I'd go running if I could find a way to do it! :) God bless you Bren!
Custom orthotics fall in the category of "Good Things." You'll see... I've worn them in for 8 years. I work on my feet and I wouldn't be without them. If the crocs make your feet and back feel better, the orthotics will be better yet.
Caveat: I've decided life is too short to wear uncomfortable shoes.
Bren I find your weight loss program very encouraging. Maybe you could share the types of foods you are supposed to eat from time to time.
Praying for Kyle and a theraputic dose soon.
Did you say stitching a tea towel? Pictures!!
I will keep Kyle in my prayers as well - I hope he is out of the "motel" soon!!
I wear orthotics in my work shoes. I find they really help keep my feet aligned and pain free while I am at work -- which required me being on my feet all day.
The new weight loss program sounds good!! Good luck with it :)))
I wish all the best for your and Kyle's health issues. I've always liked the name Kyle and would have named my daughter that had she been a boy ;)
Have a great day!
Bren, I will continue to pray for Kyle, Scott, and Sherry. Live Well sounds really cool! Keep up the good work, Bren, you are an encouragement to me!
I do so hope Kyle can get a balanced medication, & the problems sorted, so he can have his life back.
Hugs for you both!
I hope that this MRI comes out well and I am sure it will, the doctor is probably being extra careful.
I am so disappointed, why doesn´t moving a sewing needle count, but what about when you use a sewing machine and have to use your foot and your hands? *LOL* *LOL* This Live well sounds so great.
Sending good thoughts and prayers for Kyle. So lovely to see these pictures of him with his projects.
I need to go on a weight loss journey also after all the Christmas excess!
I'll pray Kyle's meds work and things will get back to normal for you soon!
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