Niki tagged me for the 7 random things meme. I have done this a couple of times and thought I could not come up with anything else, but with my mom and sister's help here goes:
1. I met Sweet Hubby the first day of high school. We were 13 & 14. We never dated until we graduated 4 years later, though he was my first kiss the year we met....(that doesn't sound good does it?)
2. All my uncles call me Bunny and have since I was 2.
3. I can't swim and am afraid of water.
4. I collect children's book with a quilt related theme.
5. A year and a half ago, I introduced my friend (of 28 years) and my cousin to each other. They fell in love and are living together. I can't talk her into getting married.
6. Several years ago, I drove a car 10 miles with the horn honking every two seconds. I had triggered the alarm and did not know how to turn it off. Very embarrassing.
7. I have never broke a bone or had surgery. (My little toe may have been broken last year??)
I am to tag 7 others. I want to tag new-to-me blogs so I tag
Idaho Quilter,
Tammy, and even though she is not new to me, she has the BEST sense of humor and I am in the mood for a laugh...
Corin (please do it even if you already did, and make me laugh!!!)
I also want to thank
MarilynR and
Gudrun for the sweet "You Make My Day" award. I love both of your blogs. You are truly creative and I get inspired every time I visit either of you. I pass it on to the blogs I just tagged for the 7 Random Things Meme, along with
Katie. Katie really made my day this past weekend! Thank you!

Donetta gave me this award and I want to thank you! I am so honored to even "know" Donetta.

Here is what the originator of the award said:
"So here's to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog".
Xandra: creator, The Daily Dose Award
I have too may blogs that I feel this way about, and it is hard to pick just a few, but again I think this needs to be passed on. I am sure the blogs I name will pass it on to the others I love so much...I will do one in each category of blog I read:
Cheryl...better known as CoppersWife (She already got this a bunch of times but she is a HUGE inspiration to me personally and I drink my coffee every morning to her blog post.)
Whew! That was a lot of linking!!!!
Ooooh...one more thing, I won the prize on
Debi's 100th (112th) post drawing!! You can see what I won
here. I have never had a jelly roll before. What do you think the odds are I will unroll it??? Thank you so much Debi. It was a very GENEROUS prize!! I look forward to another 112 posts from you!!
Well I think that is enough for one post! Thanks for being patient while I went all over the place!

Thanks for doing the meme(again) Bren :O
and for the award,you're a sweetie!
Thanks so much honey!
Glad to hear Kyle is on his way!
I would love to try my hand at the block of the month but I can't seem to get the pattern to download. Do you click on the pattern or do you have to sign up first? Thought you could help me. Thanks.
I was laughing out loud about the horn honking incident! Oh, my....whooo....my sides still hurt.
Thanks for thinking of me for the kind award, Bren.
Congratulations on all your awards! Very cool!
Glad to hear Kyle is doing better.
I did mine...it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...LOL!
Congrats on the awards, they are well deserved and thanks for passing one to me!!
Thank You Bren for sharing the award with me! I am now going to see about how those meme's work!
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