My weight over the decades has fluctuated. I was thinking as I dipped my low fat cottage cheese onto my lunch plate and counted out my 16 reduced fat wheat thins, HOW did I get here??? How could I let this happen to me?? Well lets take a look. Here I am in the very late 1970's...1979 to be exact.
110 pounds. Little in every way! I married Sweet Hubby 3 months after this picture was taken. Here I am at Christmas 1980. My Grandmother loved these pics because I was wearing her footies and shoes...ignore the cigarette!
So it wasn't Sweet Hubby's fault...we had been married 6 months and I was still trim! Check out the Farrah do!
In 1982 I gave birth...
By the way, my weight at both deliveries was less than my weight NOW! So I am now a mother. Am I fat yet??? Doesn't look like it...
Well maybe just a little.... Still I can sit on Sweet Hubby's lap and he does not look miserable!
Not as thin as before baby, but I worked most of it off...I don't look too bad here in 85.
Then in 86 I have baby number 2. I can tell you I packed it on with that one!!! Most of it came off by 89. Though the chin is looking a little thick....

In the 90's I was pretty much fat from the beginning til close to the end. My sister and I thought we were so cute!! We had just spent the day at Navy Pier and was heading home on the train.

It appears there may be some genetics in play...this is sometime in the late 90's. I had recently dropped 60 pounds and you can tell I was not done yet! The only thin one is my Grandma (on my thin dad's side). My sister and my mom share my same struggle.
Around 2000 it started. The YO YO! I would gain 30...lose 30...gain 30....lose 30. I lost 30 for my son's wedding and felt WONDERFUL and thought I looked great. Pictures and video tape showed something different. That camera added 20 pounds I just know it!! Though if you look close you can see my collar bones. I love those bones. I have not seen them in a while....(sigh) My navy blue sequined gown was a size 12.
A year later, the 30 pounds was back!! Just in time for me to become a Grandma! I have to say, in the picture below, I was up for over 24 hours straight and that kid was heavy!!! He learned how to count using my chins!
Again, I dropped the 30 pounds. This picture was taken just last Christmas 2006.
Still fluffy (Not like that Linda!) but not horrible. Since that day I have packed on a whooping 40 pounds. It is time to end this battle. Here is a current picture.
Not flattering AT ALL, but it's now my official before picture. I did meet my 2 pound goal this week. I am changing my ticker because after weighing in at the doctors office and finding out my body fat percentage, I changed my goal. It is now 75 pounds. Ouch!! It's ok. I can and will do it.

Oh my how we change over the years. I am right there with you. I dsometimes wonder how I allowed myself to become so overweight. Good luck to you and I will pray all works well.
I love your pictures - you're very pretty (that's one thing that didn't change)!! I'm so glad you shared them. Don't feel bad, Bren ... think of this as a support system. We may have a different number to lose (some more, some less) but we're all in the same boat. Your blogs are very well done ... honest and full of life!
Hi,Good Luck on changing your lifestyle .You can do it!:o)
Bren, I recently joined Weight Watchers, I do it strictly on-line. I like the fact it is not a diet. I have lost a lb a week, and closeing in on my goal weight. I couldn't have done it alone.
I am 65 so I don't expect to be a size 10 again, but I do want to stay healthy, because Soooo many quilts to make in my future..... Thanks for your comments on my quilt, it was a fun project.
OK girl, take my hand! I'm in the same boat, and with determination I've peeled off 50 of the 85 or so I need to lose. I'm trying to NOT make it a big deal, just make it an ordinary part of my day. By not focusing all my attention on "dieting" and doing some clear thinking before making food choices, it seems less like deprivation. WE CAN DO IT!!
Great job on your weight loss Bren! When I was looking at your photos I thought, I had scarves like the one she was wearing....I even had a Fara F. hair cut. Boy did we have style or what?
Bren, try not to look at it as a diet, but rather a lifestyle change, and remember as we get older our metabolism slows down, so we don't burn the fat as quickly as we used to. Either way I'll be cheering you on.
Oh Bren the pics were great! I think we've had the same hairstyles for just about 30 years!!!
I know you can do it and keep it off!
Way to go Bren, six pounds is great. We can be cheerleaders for each other. Per doctor's orders I can only weight in once a week!
I'm right there with you . . . ups - downs - up again, going higher and higher. I know what to do and how to do it. It's not easy - but it will be well worth it!
Sometimes all it takes is changing the word from Diet to healthy life style. Then creating it. I really don't like the word diet. I have read about all sorts of them. My best sucess was asking my self before this healthy or why am I eating this?
You can do it. Best of Luck.
Bren these pics are wonderful you are changed but the smile in your face is always great..........
........because your life is great!
ciao ciao
I have heard that a large percentage of today's women would rather lose 10 years off of their life than gain 50 lb. That is kinda sad really. I am in your corner! We come in all shapes and sizes and that doesn't really matter, we should be more focused on our health.
You are very photogenic and take beautiful pictures!
I'll join you on losing weight. I only need to lose about 10 pounds but I'm afraid if I don't get started it'll be more later.
You and me both Sister...
Your a very beautiful woman. Stress can play a huge part of it.
Good luck on this journey Bren.
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