I decided to join in on the Quilter's Blessings block of the month hosted by Bea at Capricorn Quilts.
The blocks are embroidery and if you want to check out the monthly patterns, January is up. They are free and easily downloaded. Most are doing them in redwork or bluework, but a few of us are doing them in other colors. I decided to choose 4 colors and use those same 4 in all the blocks. I chose a nutmeg brown, mustard gold, terracotta, and sage. The picture doesn't show the true colors but you get the idea.
If for no other reason, you should see the blocks the other ladies are creating. There is a white on white that is stunning!

I worked hard today. Normally I take Sunday's off, but I had an urge to work. I had Bible Story time with the kids, (no church today) and then I set to work doing a deep clean on my family room. I started at the top and worked my way down. It was not terrible, and I was not surprised by anything except the fireplace. I had no idea the cobwebs that collected on the brick above the mantle. I had never even thought to look. Well it is done and that is that! I spent some time in my back hallway also. I had a rug (runner) back there that was so old it was leaving a "sand" underneath it from the rubber deteriorating. It's grip was gone too, so though it did not look terrible from the top, it's bottom life was gone. I replaced it with a runner that matches my rugs by the front door, except instead of blue, it is green.
This back hallway and door is located off the kitchen directly across from the laundry and is also where my new pantry is. The door leads to the garage and we use it every time we leave or enter the house. I really want it to look nice since we see it all the time. I have no real decorating theme back there and just threw my hodge podge of "stuff" on the wall opposite the pantry, when we moved in 7 years ago.
Other than the goat that says "kids for sale", my favorite is...
Some of these are from the beginning of my marriage. The wooden plaques above the door are from the very early 80's. I got them at a Home Interiors party...are they still around?
Some of my day was also spent baking. I made a loaf of bread yesterday to go with our spaghetti dinner, and today I made 2 kinds of cookies. Oatmeal Raisin and Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk. Not the best choice for Eating to Live! The family was thrilled though!!! .JPG)
While watching the Cowboys lose, I stitched on a tea towel. I plan to do more on it tonight while listening to whatever Sweet Hubby plans to watch. Kyle is in his room and the little kids are watching a DVD. It should be a quiet night. Stop by and visit Coleen who just started her own quilting blog!
While watching the Cowboys lose, I stitched on a tea towel. I plan to do more on it tonight while listening to whatever Sweet Hubby plans to watch. Kyle is in his room and the little kids are watching a DVD. It should be a quiet night. Stop by and visit Coleen who just started her own quilting blog!
Congrats to Kyle!Having order definately makes the world rotate easier! Thanks for sharing a little more of your poster as well, very inspiring you are!
Hi Bren, I meme'd you, come and see :)
Yee haw, good for Kyle! He's having a big time of it, being back in his own room and starting back to work. Good for him!
You certainly accomplished a lot today! The cookies look yummy. It's nice that you're making such wonderful treats for your family even though you are trying not to indulge in them.
Glad to hear Kyles life is back to normal!! Wow u are always so busy!! I love the BOM stitcheries and ur right, that white on white is stunning!!!
I am so happy for you that Kyle was able to move back into his own room and you got your sewing room back. You got so much accomplished yesterday, I feel like a slug, I did nothing but watch tv all day.
Things are looking good at your house, all tidy, and great news that Kyle is feeling so much better. I added Colleen's blog to my Bloglines list. Have a great week.
What a terrific day you all had! Kyle has to about the happiest boy in the world today, getting his own room back AND cookies! LOL -- I just love those kinds of days.....
Glad to hear that all seems to be back to a normal routine in your house and in the lives of your family members.
Kyle sure has a neat, clean room!!
Hi Bren,
So glad to hear Kyle's doing so well. :o)
Sounds like you had a busy day, I too need to get busy and try to get back to the norm.lol
you have been a busy gal ! So happy to hear Kyle is doing well. Its hard to have faith about our childrens health. We worry, sometimes needlessly and then sometimes very wisely. Your sewing room looks great. A happy place to be in while creating
How quiet is it in your house right now? I'm sure Kyle is one happy camper, own room back and back to work. Wonder who's happier him or you. Saw that WOW block, just gorgeous. Did a post for you on the fork pins, great notion.
So glad Kyle is so much better. It sounds as if he is very happy.
Wish I had half your energy!
I really liked looking at the embroidered quilt blocks! I used to do some embroidering and enjoyed it. You are right the white on white is stunning!
Congrats to Kyle and to you for getting your rooms back!
Kyle looks so please...good for him!! Go Kyle!!! Enjoy your day, Bren :)
So glad to hear that Kyle is doing better and back in his own living space again! I'm going to pop over and take a look at the Quilter's Blessing BOM that you mentioned.
I am glad that Kyle is back to normal.
Dear Bren, I am so happy to hear that Kyle is so much better! Praise the Lord!! I love to come by and see what you are up to at home. You are a kindred spirit! In Christ, Karen T.
Wow! sounds like you had a busy day! It feels good to get all of that done I'm sure.
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