Today's tackle is a little different. It is really a list of little things that need to get done. I think this is my 26th Tackle It Tuesday....once you get that far into it, there is not much left to least not the manageable jobs. I still have the basement, which is a couple of months of Tackle It Tuesdays, and I could work on painting...I really dislike painting. This week, I had a few things that were not big deals, but they were things that I needed to "tackle". Of course I got Kyle back down stairs and my sewing room back in order. Look at the cute sign he made me. It was a thank you for the "Motel" stay. He is such a good kid! He loves gorillas and thinks everyone else must too.
He was very formal in using my whole name and not Mom, or Bren. This tells me it was important to him. It is on my desk!
I also put my own book basket together. I am reading through the Messie Manual again and I got out my favorite John Maxwell book. Add that to my Bible and Come Away My Beloved devotional and I am set.
I am afraid I have made it appear that I am a wonderful housekeeper. I have had lots of comments and e-mails saying as much. Sweet Hubby giggles at this. Believe me when I tell you, it does not come naturally. I just really LOVE the feel of an orderly home and the effect it has on my kids is priceless, therefore it is worth the effort. I am not a perfectionist, but I think lots of quilters are. You would think being a perfectionist would mean a clean and orderly home. In rare cases that is true, however, in most cases, a perfectionist has a very untidy, borderline, dirty home. Why? Because they feel they can not do it to meet their perceived level of perfection, so they do not bother...they move on to something else more manageable, like a quilt, or a knitted shawl, or a scrap booking page...something they feel in control of. (don't get offended if you are a "messie"...I am naturally one too.) I am grateful I am not a perfectionist or I would not even begin to tackle my daily chore list. Most days it does not get completed...a goal set and missed is better than no goal at all...and a perfectionist would see that as a huge failure and not even try. If you are a perfectionist with a messy house and think you just can not do it, you should read the Messie Manual by Sandra Felton. In fact, I am one post away from my 200th post. Come back tomorrow and see what I have to celebrate!
Zach decided he wants to learn all the Presidents. George Washington is his favorite. I will try and work that in. He loves to learn. Miss Charlotte is feeling something. I need to have some alone time with her today. She is bothered by something and is needing to control her environment...meaning my environment. We will do something mother/daughter today.
A trip to the grocery store, clean linens put on the beds, and a relaxing afternoon stitching on a tea towel and basting the 4 Seasons Swap piece and Wagon Wheel, and my day is complete. American Idol starts tonight and my friend comes every Tuesday for dinner and the show.
I will leave you with a quote from John C. Maxwell's book "Success, One Day At A Time"
"The highest reward for your work is not what you get for it, but what you become by it."
Is that why my house is so messy! I feel so relieved...
You have a very busy day, but it sounds like it will be fun. Thanks for the quote, we can use it for our weight loss (one day at a time) also!
The wagon wheel is so pretty, we are studying the underground railroad so I will make sure to show this to my daughter! I did find the place to download the Quilter's Blessings pattern after a second look at the blog. Thanks!
Sigh.... a relaxing afternoon.... I haven't had one of those in ages!
Your Wagon wheel is lovely!
Hi Bren,
What a great post.
I like clean and in order,I never strive for perfect.!!
Have agreat day
I just LOVE the sign that Kyle made for you!!
You bring up some very valid points in your comments on homemaking. You hit the nail squarely on the head though by saying that having a goal you miss is better by far than having no goal at all. With no goals in place, you miss every time. Good post, Bren!
Wow 2ooth post...thats alot of writing! what do you mean you are not a good housekeeper???? go back to your first paragraph and re-read the line....there is not much left to tackle....what does that say? It says to me, that while you may not be perfect (and none of us are) you are a wonderful homekeeper!!!!!!
I don't have much time, I will come back tomorrow hopefully to read your new posts more. I just wanted to pop in and thank you for the kind comment you left! Wait until you see my before and after pics on my next post! They'll show how my house really looks at least half the time! I know what you mean about being a perfectionist! I tend to make a job so huge in my mind, there is no way I can do it! I have to break it down, and allow myself to do it just 'good enough'! I think my perfectionism is keeping me from quilting! I can't get the pieces to line up perfectly when I do try....and it drives me insane!!! Well, gotta get the kiddies to bed!
Hi Bren
Love Kyle's thankyou for you.
Congrats on your awards.
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