Yesterday a tornado came through here. Yes...a literal tornado. It was about 1/2 mile away and you could see the rotation from our house. Thankfully, no one was killed, but 3 people were hurt. It destroyed a house and the local news reported the tornado destroyed the local Apple Orchard. The orchard has been there for more than 50 years. A tornado in January in Northern Illinois....we had temps in the high 60's. Not the norm. Well you would have thought the tornado came right in my home and hit my walk in closet!!! That is my Tackle It Tuesday for the week. It has been a long time coming. I just did this last spring, but I did not thin out Sweet Hubby's they are thinned and organized. The dust was awful! 2 large garbage bags of clothing and 1 large garbage bag of....well, garbage...Hazel worked overtime! I keep 3 clothes baskets in my closet instead of a hamper for dirty clothes (no sorting). 1 for towels, 1 for whites/lights and 1 for darks. Also, the closet is divided in half. Sweet Hubby has the upper and lower racks on the left of the closet and I have the rack on the back wall and the one behind the closet door. No before pics...and just a glimpse of the end result. Somethings just should be kept private!

We had tornado warnings here in Missouri too (and 70+ temps yesterday!), but luckily none touched down near us. So glad you are okay! Your closet looks marvelous!!! Great job! We are tackling our basement (ugh!). This week we tackled one corner "room" of it.
Wow tornado huh, we have been having some funky weather too, yesterday it was in the low 70 and today its in the 40 with some good winds, lil strange to me. Glad to hear no one was killed and I do hope those that were injured are not life threatening. Thats a real bummer about the orchard though as I am sure there are alot of fond memories for families that visit it in the fall. You did have me laughing when you said the tornado must have hit your
Tornado? I heard they had a total of 30 yesterday across the US. That is really odd. Good thing you were spared.
Good looking closet!
Glad to hear that Kyle is doing well!
Weather here has been strange too. 70 yesterday...snow today. Fortunately the tornadoes in MO stayed south and east of me. I wouldn't wish those things on anyone. Glad you were safe and sound in the basement!
I saw on tv about the tornadoes, I'm glad you are ok. Great job on the closet!
I'm glad to hear you are safe from the tornado. We have had 3 earthquakes in the area this past week. Nothing to "earth shattering". Just gets one thinkin'.
Your closet looks great! That's a job well done! Doesn't it feel good?
I saw the news on the tornadoes this morning, although, they were in Wisconsin and didn't bother to mention IL. We lived in the Chicago area until April, I better check on my friends.
Your closet looks great! I need to redo my daughter's closet, a bigger job than I feel like tackling right now.
By the way, I love your blog header!
Bren, I am so glad that you are okay! Tornadoes are so scary! I am in Minnesota, it was in the 30's here yesterday, warm! This week I will be tackling my laundry room. It's a disaster!
CHEATER! We need the before and after!
Great Tackle yo go! Come check out my awesome tackle. VROOOOM VROOOM!
I'm so glad you are safe and sound after that horrible storm! The closet looks great!
As I write this we have a "tornado watch" and it's pouring rain and was thundering, I believe for a short time. Warm weather like this in January usually produces bad storms. I hope things quiet down weather-wise for all of us.
Your closet looks so tidy!
Oh my...I'm glad you are safe Bren! I know how stressful just having one that close can be!
I think you probably need a good rest from the adrenalaline rush today! Pamper yourself!
I've only ever seen a tornado on TV and never want to get closer than that.
Great job on the closet.
So sorry to hear the bad weather news!
So happy to hear the good news of Kyle &RX.PTL;o)
Hope youhave a great week.
The best part about moving to MT from SD is that we are now out of tornado country. Yeah! (except for the four tornadoes that moved with us, that is).
I saw the tornados on the news this morning at 4am. Couldnt sleep because of the humidity, & so I looked at the American news channels. How scary for you. So glad you suffered no damage.
A tornado, that's wild....the weather is sure going crazy everywhere. The closet looks great, wanna come do mine???? It's on my list.;)
The tag is really pretty, I've never seen one before. Oh the things you can do in blogland that i'm not even aware of!
I am so glad you were not harmed! I think the weather has been very odd this past year! It seems you heeded the Tornado Warning in the closet, took cover and overcame!
I'm happy you are ok after tornado.
and very very happy to read that Kyle is better.
thanks for the links.
HUGS ciao ciao
Bren I am so thankful you are ok, and no one's life was taken in the tornado. Your closet is awesome!
So glad that no one was seriously hurt in the tornado. I'll stop complaining about my 7" of snow. lol!
The closet looks awsome! I think I'm going to tackle my sewing room today.
Some days a nice quiet closet is next to Gods side chair
Yipes, stripes......a tornado!!!! And I thought 80 mph wind gusts were bad. I'm so glad that you all are okay and had no damage. Scary!
The closet looks great!
Can the tornado destroy your house completely, and do you all have basements to stay in during tornados?
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