Nah!! Not that one. I have my own version. Here it is. First the Good....
My order from Fabric Shack came yesterday. The top pic is the Marcus Brothers shirtings for my project with Linda. I love them They are just wonderful in person and I think I will be collecting shirtings! The other pic is of one of the backgrounds I chose for my weight loss quilt. It is a Henry Glass fabric and is just as beautiful, but oh my goodness, is it SOFT! My jelly roll got just a little break from being rubbed as this Henry Glass fabric needed to be petted! I am amazed at the texture of it. I will be ordering more Henry Glass fabrics!!
Now for the Bad....
What the heck happened!!?? When I evicted the kids for being so messy, I was certain my sewing room would never get to this point again. I wonder if they snuck in here while I was not looking and trashed the place!? But wait a minute...that is my Beef-a-roo cup, and my coffee mug. And my rotery cutter and fabric are there...along with all the pattern pieces for the apron I made. Hmmmm. I guess I have been bad! This will get some serious attention today.
And finally the Ugly!.... .JPG)


That is ALOT of ugly!!! My sewing room closet has been overlooked for a year or more. It is loaded with home school material, all of which has another home and just needs to be moved. My stash is in there somewhere...and it may not appear this way, but there is so much wasted space. I use my Grandma's hutch as storage also.
Right now, the bottom shelf holds my quilting books. Hopefully this will change soon as I work out another place for the kids library and once again I can use my bookcase. The middle shelf holds my antique quilt collection...see the pink and green?? dates back to pre-civil war for those of you who are new to my blog. The top shelf is for....well I am not sure. It holds fabric and UFO's right now. No order at all. The only fabric sorting that has went on here is by Zachary.
I found these on the floor like this. Zach told me he saw them and thought he would organize them for me. When your 6 year old son starts organizing your fabric, it is time to step up the game! (Notice TJ's playpen is still up from when he spent the night a couple of weeks ago!) So here is the Tuesday I will have "after" pics to show you for my Tackle It Tuesday post! Now I am not saying it will all be done, but I will have a system going. I am thinking of using Bonnie's Scrap Users System, though it will not be completed by Tuesday, it will all be in place. Wish me luck, and if you don't hear from me over the weekend, just know I am working, working, working, or I gave up and decided to watch the Clint Eastwood version!
I'm glad you showed the pic of your sewing area. Since yours has a little clutter, I don't have to feel that I am alone in the clutter boat! I had cleaned mine, but then I made a bag and it looks awful again. Your picture shows me that it must be a trait of creating something. I'm cleaning mine today again too.
There is something about that homeschooling closet/craft closet that gets VERY ugly! I cleaned mine out the beginning of Jan, and wished I had thought to take pics of it for you! I don't quilt but scrapbook - paper is kinda like fabric, at least that's what Marilyn tell me!
If anyone can get that room in order you can! I am convinced! The shirting fabrics look wonderful. I have found that nice shirting fabrics can be hard to find, so when I do find them I grab some to add to my collection.(That is my story and I'm sticking to it!) Thanks for putting the link to your earlier posting of your antique quilts. The post was before I found your blog. I am so glad I got to see your wonderful quilts! Thanks!
The clutter isn't too bad yet. But if you let it go it will get worse. Good thing you caught it in time. It looks pretty good compared to my mess most of the time. Good Luck with the clean up. Can't wait to see the after pictures.
I really love your shirting fabrics, they are beautiful. Good luck with the sewing room, my looks like that from time to time!
I bet you dollars to donuts that Dear Hubby is cringing right now. "Don't show any more pictures of that messy closet Bren!" LOL. It only makes her more human to us DH! Looks like you got your work cut out for you.
Hi Bren, knowing you, you'll have the ugly whipped into shape in no time! What the heck is beef-a-roo?
That's not too bad Bren, those shirtings are so nice, and they look different to the ones I got.... When you get a minute give me a call, a couple of things I want to go over.
Nice to see your clutter- just means you are human, haha.
We are having rain! Which is very good, but ...gloomy!
At first I thought you were naming my blog for today. I know you will get your sewing room whipped into shape in no time. I do wish you luck because I would get sidetracked somewhere near the sewing machine.
If you think that´s messy, I won´t show you my sewingroom :))
Good Morning Bren!
Did you get my e-mail? I was slow getting back to you, I know! Hope that you got it though ?!
The shirting fabric is gorgeous!!
It looks nice and soft.
Now go a little easy on yourself, all crafting areas get a little messy from time to time and yours doesn't look that bad, really it doesn't!
I am wishing you a wonderfully blessed weekend ahead!
Biggest hugs and blessings!
I love Zach's little floor arrangement of your fabrics :)
Just be careful he doesn't decide to cut into them next time!
Lovely new fabrics. I'm anxious to see what you and Linda are doing with the shirtings.
Hi Bren!
If you add some shelves to that closet it will go a long way to helping you soon as you get enough fabric petting (I totally get this!) time.
I do a real good job of trashing my sewing room every single time I make a quilt. Just part of the fun. I especially enjoy this now that I have a room of my own, out of sight where I can revel in the scraps and threads, tea mugs here and there...when that project is finished I clean the entire room before starting all over again. Needs dusting by then anyway!
Stop by my blog sometime. Would be nice to chat.
I did a little tackle it job today, I am in no doubt that you will tackle this before Tuesday.
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